“I wish your visit was under better circumstances, so you could bring that sweet, little girl with you.”

“So do I. We will make plans before you guys move.”

We say our goodbyes, and I head back to Rosie.

“I win!” she shouts.

“What do you mean, you win?” I chuckle.

“You took too long. So, I played for you.” She giggles.

I shake my head with a smile. “Well, congratulations on your win. How about we celebrate with some tablet time while I talk to your uncles about a few things.”

“Yay!” she shouts and takes off in the direction of her room.

IFIND NEO AND AXELin the game room, where we have a bar and a few pool tables set up. “Take that, shithead!” Neo shouts as he takes the winning shot. “Bullseye, bitches.”

Axel curses and tosses his pool cue on the table before chugging whatever is in his glass.

“Where's Dean?” I ask, getting both of their attention.

“Who knows, probably watching more porn. I think it's becoming a real problem, man. He spends all his free time in his room. Poor guy needs to get laid,” Neo grins, knowing full well that's not happening.

“Fuck you,” Axel spits. “You know damn well that we can't.”

“I know,” Neo laughs. “I just love reminding you. While you three have to live with this...” He makes a jacking off motion with his hand. “I’m doing this...” He holds out his hands as if he’s gripping something and thrusts his hips back and forwards, fucking the air.

Axel growls and picks up his pool stick, readying to beat Neo with it. Neo ducks as Axel swings it at his head and dances off to the side with a laugh.

“Both of you, knock it the fuck off. This is important.” I look to Axel. “Mom called.” They both take me seriously now, letting me tell them what happened.

“ARE YOU SURE YOU CANhandle it?” I ask Harlow.

“You know, I find your lack of confidence in me insulting,” she huffs.

“Have you ever actually watched a kid?” I smirk.

“Well... no. But Rosie is a good kid. Feed her, water her, play, and bed. It’s like having a dog, right?” she smirks, and I hope to fuck she’s joking.

“It’s absolutely nothing like having a dog,” I growl.

“Oh, chill out, Papa Bear; I won't let anything happen to our little cub. I’m a mama bear now, and no one fucks with mama bear, unless they want their heads ripped off,” she says, matter-of-factly; a little over the top, but I love her enthusiasm and dedication to the situation.

She called Rosie hers, again, and I can't help the feeling of happiness that overtakes me. God, I wish this stubborn woman will let me in someday soon.

She goes back to reading the list of rules and Rosie’s schedule that I put together, but we both know she's only reading it to say she did before tossing it aside and doing her own thing.

I'm nervous about leaving Rosie for any amount of time, but I know if she can't be with me, Harlow is the next best thing.

“Look. Go see your moms, say goodbye to your grandpa, enjoy some guy time. We will be fine,” she says. Her face goes stone-cold, and I shiver at the death stare she's giving me. “But if I find out any of you go against me and fuck someone else, I will fuck YOU up! And not in a fun way.”

“I don't know about that. Sounds like a good time to me,” Neo grins as he enters the living room with his overnight bag hanging off his shoulder.

“I would give you the same warning, but I don't need to,” she says, knowing there’s no way in hell Neo would stray away from her to fuck some other woman. That would just be downgrading and risking his life.Pointless.

“Damn right, you don’t,” he says, handing her a cup of coffee. Harlow takes it eagerly from his hands and takes a sip. She lets out a moan, and it goes right to my dick. Neo sees me shift uncomfortably and gives me a slow, knowing grin. I flip him off and head to my bathroom to get this out of my way before we have to leave.

“I'VE MISSED MY BOYSso much,” my mother says as she hugs me, and then my brother.