I won by default because she ended up forcibly dragging him away. Evie convinces me it’s time for some food a little while after, but I think she just wanted to leave because I kept kicking her ass at Dance Dance Revolution. Not my fault, I dance more often than she does. The look I gave her when I accused her of this, along with her saying that she was letting me win, made her almost piss her pants laughing. She’s lucky she's my ride or die because I was ready to punch her in the tit.

We eat at Bubba Gump’s and fuck, I almost orgasm right there as I take a bite of my food, getting some disturbed looks and even a few heated ones. I don’t give a fuck; their food is to die for.

“You know, I missed this,” she says, sometime later, as we lay on the beach, soaking up the sunshine.

“Me too,” I say with one arm over my eyes, blocking out the sun. My dumb ass forgot my sunglasses, yet I always remember my daggers. What can I say, perverts are worse for my health than a little sun in my eyes.

“So, you and Neo are friends?” she asks.

“Yeah, I guess we are. He’s not what I expected him to be. He’s everything that every man who ever touched me was not. Except Garrett, but he doesn’t count. Neo won't touch me without verbal consent, or some kind of signal when I'm too far gone for words. He does everything I ask, with no resistance, and he's just fun to be around.” I turn and grin at her. “Helps that his cock is like some magic wand doing some Hocus Pocus shit to my pussy.”

She huffs out a laugh. “What about the rest of them?”

“Well, apparently he and Cass had no clue that Dean had planned to send me away. In the end, I guess they were kind of innocent. It was Dean who put everything in motion, and Axel by default because he knew and did nothing. Cass and Neo beat the shit out of Dean when they found out. And a lot of shit went down with them for a while after.”

“Wow,” she breathes, and everything goes quiet for a moment. “So, do you trust them?”

“Not a fucking chance,” I laugh. “Girl, I’m so fucked up now that I don't even trust my bra to hold my tits in, let alone a man. But I'm tired of hating them all. Neo and Cass have followed my every command and at least earned me not wanting to kill them in their sleep.”

“What about the other two?”

“Ah, fuck that shit. They can choke on a cock for all I care,” I laugh. “I keep them around mostly for entertainment purposes.” I tell her about the other night with Axel and Neo, and we spend a good ten minutes cracking up over it.

“Last one in has to tell Roxy that Dean broke her favorite beer mug,” Evie grins as she takes off for the water. Fuck, she’s gonna lose her shit. Roxy is almost as scary as me when pissed off. Almost.

I run after her, right into the water, only stopping when it gets to my waist. Evie squeals with delight as the waves splash her. She makes her way over to me, and we both relax in the water, floating as we look up into the purple and orange sky of the now setting sun.

“You know you’re always going to be my number one, right?” I tell her as we collect our towels from our spot, looking like a couple of drowned rats. Note to self, don't wear makeup if you plan on swimming.

“No, I’m not,” she says, giving me a half smirk. She stops me when I start to protest. “And it's okay. Rosie is way more important.” My stomach drops a little.

“You two are the most important people in the world to me. You're not just my best friend. You’re the Christina to my Meredith.” Yup, I brought out the big guns. “With Rosie, I need her. And I need you too, just for different reasons.” She looks at me, seeing how serious I am before nodding.

“I mean, she is adorable. I can see why she has all of you wrapped around her little fingers.” She bumps shoulders with me as we walk back to my car.

“It’s the big, blue eyes, man; they get you every time.”

We end up back at my place, the idea of clubbing no longer on our minds. Drunk off our asses, we spend the rest of the night watching cheesy, scary movies and yelling at the dumb bitches who always think it's a fan-fucking-tastic idea to run towards the crazy killer. Nah, bro, you hear a noise when you're home alone, you get the fuck out of dodge.

That's not the case with me, though. I'll always find my target, no matter how long and far they run. Queenie always comes out on top. But I do love a good hunt before going for the inevitable kill. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. I enjoy working for my kills. Why else do you think I love playing with my food?