Chapter 16


“Iwant to be theretoo,” Penny says, trailing after me with Neo right behind her, as I head straight for my office. I’m vibrating with energy. I need the show to start very soon before I snap and hurt the next person who talks to me. “I have the right to watch as the person who hurt me finally gets what's coming to him,” she says, folding her arms and giving me a look of determination.

I glare at her. “You're lucky I don't bend you over my knee and slap your ass for leaving the club with him! I don’t care if he just wanted to talk, it was stupid to go! And don't give me an attitude. I might tame my beast for this club and the people who work here, but don't forget who you're talking to.”

Her face falls and pales slightly. “Sorry,” she apologizes. “I didn't mean to be rude, it's just...”

“I know, and it's not that I don't want you to be able to get the closure that you want or need; it's just that what happens in my showroom is something that will stick with you forever. Something you will never be able to unsee, forever ingrained in your brain. There's a reason why only a few people come to my private shows. I don't mind an audience, but most people can’t handle what I do, and this is something I do for myself.”

She sighs. “Can I at least see his dead body when you're done?” she asks, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Stepping in front of her, I place my hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes. “That, I can do. I’ll try to keep him... in one piece,” I giggle, and her eyes go wide, clearly not getting my fucked-up sense of humor. No one really does. Except maybe Neo and sometimes Evie.

“Hey,” Neo says, getting our attention. “If she doesn’t want that spanking, can I take her place?” he grins wickedly at me, and my pussy pulses for this sexy male specimen standing in front of me.

“You, shut it!” I growl, only making his grin go wider.

He steps into me, as if Penny isn't right here next to us, and gets as close to me as he dares. “You know, My Queen, when you get all growly like that, you remind me of a little feisty Chihuahua. It’s quite adorable.”

“W-what!” I splutter. “Did you just call me... adorable and compare me to a tiny rat dog?!” I’m so not used to anyone testing my authority like this, knowing I slit throats for less. I should make an example out of him, but instead I do nothing as I get lost in his ocean blue eyes swimming with mirth.

Thankfully, I’m saved when Evie opens the door. She takes in the room and raises a brow at how close Neo and I are. I take a step back, needing space to clear my head. Fuck him and his psychotic, erotic charm. Why does he have to be so nutty, and why do I have to be a fucking desperate squirrel for it? My beast within approves, wanting to break out and lick him all over before devouring him whole. Traitorous bitch.

“Umm... everyone is gone now. We can start the show... if you're ready?” she says, sounding unsure.

“Perfect!” I cheer, quickly masking whatever the fuck this shit was. “Meet me down there and bring Dean and the others. I want everyone who's willing to be there for Neo’s first performance.”

Evie nods, giving me a smile. I give her a genuine one back. I miss her. Fuck, I'm a shitty best friend. Since the guys and Rosie came into my life, I’ve spent little time with my bestie. I can tell it's getting to her by the dirty looks she gives the guys and the longing stares she gives me. She misses me, and I miss her just as much. We're gonna need to have a slumber party ASAP.

She leaves, and I turn to Penny, my smile slipping when a dangerous look takes over my face. “If anyone asks, I kicked his ass for daring to talk to me like that. Understood?” Her eyes go wide, and she nods vigorously. “Alright, go find Lola, have her take you home.” She says nothing, just scurries out of my office. I turn to Neo. The cocky fucker still has that grin on his face. Crazy bastard.

I push past him, and he follows me like the loyal pet he is. Ugh, awesome. Why does referring to him as a pet, outside the little dom-sub thing we have going, make me feel... iffy? Like I’m somehow degrading him? And better yet, why do I care? I should be hating this man. I should want to tear him apart for what his negligence caused me. But I don't... He's starting to grow on me. Eeeeww, feelings. Did I fall asleep and get abducted by aliens or some shit? That's gotta be it. It's the only explanation for it. Because there is no way that I’m actually starting to like this guy. Is there?

When we get to the door that leads down to the showroom, Neo steps in front of me, stopping me from entering.

“You know, you didn't really say no to that spanking,” he grins as his heated eyes grow molten with need.

I can't help but smirk back. “Later,” I wink, then push past him to head down the stairs. He lets out a whoop and practically skips down the stairs after me.

“Welcome, welcome everyone,” I greet the room as I make my grand entrance. I’m all dressed and ready to go in my black, lace booty shorts and my black and red corset. Tonight, I did something a little different and slicked back all my long, black hair into a ponytail.

Muffled whimpers fill the room from the line-up of men on the other side of the room. All gagged and bound and ready for some fun. With the newest little pervert at the end. He has already pissed himself and is currently crying like a little bitch. He can dish it out but can't take it, I see.

“We're gonna do things a little differently. Tonight, I’m going to share my spotlight.” Everyone starts to mutter in surprise. Lucas and the others are too busy to watch, but some of the girls who are done for the night, and the others who weren't working came to watch. “I know. This is the first time. But Neo here has been itching to play, and I’ve been dying for a D-Day. So, why not kill two birds with one stone.”

“Oh! Stones, can we use those?” Neo asks seriously. Hmmm, I’ve never used those before. Might be fun.

“Why not?” I turn to Tommy. “Be a doll and get me a bucket of rocks?”

He shakes his head with a smirk, but takes off, nonetheless.

“Let's all give a warm round of applause for Neo.” The room breaks out in cheers, everyone but Axel and Dean clapping after my announcement. With a grin, he gives an extravagant bow. I never force anyone to watch my shows; they are all here of their own free will. They love seeing sick and twisted fucks get their comeuppance.

I turn to Neo and clap my hands together. “You’re gonna go first,” I beam. He looks at the men strapped to the chairs and all the goodies laid out on the table, then to me.

“Umm,” he says, scratching the back of his head, looking unsure. “What do I do?” Aww, he’s nervous; how fucking adorable.