When the girls aren't dancing, it is just like any regular club. People dancing to the music, letting alcohol consume their minds, letting loose and having fun. I do like the idea that none of these girls have to worry about letting their guard down and getting taken advantage of. I have no doubt that these people have some idea of who Queenie is and what she's capable of.

“So, take everything in. Pay close attention to the inner workings of this place. And enjoy the show. But remember the rules. Just because you are on the payroll, it doesn't mean you are exempt. We all live by these rules. It’s literally life or death. If you have any questions, feel free to ask Tommy or Max. I'll be in the back, making sure the girls have everything they need for the night,” Lucas finishes explaining.

So, that's their names. Now, who is who?I contemplate, looking at the two guys at our side.

“So, where is she?” Neo asks, ignoring everything Lucas just said. He's on his tip toes trying to get a better look at the crowd. He looks like an eager puppy who’s desperate to lay eyes on its owner. It’s only been a day and Harlow already has Neo eating out of the palm of her hand. I’ve never seen him obsess this hard over anything in his life.

“She's backstage getting ready with the girls. It’s group dances this weekend. Sometimes Queenie joins. Max and I are normally watching the crowd. But I guess tonight we're on babysitting duty.” So, that would meanheis Tommy, the guy with a buzz cut, and Max here is the guy with the brown hair.

“Well, if we get to watch, I want a front-row seat,” Neo says, his tone leaving no room for discussion. Max stares him down, contemplating if it's worth the argument. Trust me, it's not.

“Well, normally VIPs pay triple the regular admission, but Queenie did say to show you guys how things work around here, and the shows are a major part,” Max says, sounding more like he's trying to convince himself.

“I wholeheartedly agree,” Neo says, his face splitting into a grin.

“Also, I'm not really sure what is going on with you guys and Queenie, but to avoid any unwanted bloodshed, on you or someone else, I'd keep away from all the women in here,” Max says and smiles at the shocked look on both Axel and Dean’s faces.

Me, I have no interest in being with anyone right now. The one-night stands have slowed since Rosie was born. Once in a while, when the need is too much, I'll let a girl take me home, but that's become few and far between.

Neo already has their wedding planned out in his head, and probably some fucked up joint mass murder as his present to her, so there's no worry about that with him.

The other two, however, that's not gonna go over well with them. Axel is with a new girl every other week, and Dean has a few girls he calls whenever he needs to let off steam. Unlike the rest of us, he was never really the type who would just go out and pick up some random girl. Instead, because of his need for control, he hires a high-end escort service with background checks and regular testing.

“You're kidding right?” Dean asks.

“When it comes to Queenie, I never joke,” Max says, and I believe him.

“So what? We’re not allowed to have sex now? This was not what I signed up for,” Axel growls.

“I mean, you can always ask Queenie to make sure,” Max chuckles. “But is that really something you wanna risk?”

“Your best bet is to accept that she owns you in every way, and I'm pretty sure, if I'm not mistaken, that includes your balls,” Tommy says.

“Among other things,” Max adds, and they both have amused grins, loving every moment of this.

“Fucking bullshit,” Axel grumbles. Dean’s nostrils flare, and I can see his mind processing what he's gonna do now, and if there's any way around it.

“I'm not fucking her,” Dean says through gritted teeth. “And she can't make me.”

The two guys’ brows lift. “And she would never try. She may be a cold-blooded murderer, but she wouldneverforce anyone to do anything sexual against their will,” Tommy says.

“She doesn't just sleep with anyone anyways. She has someone special to give her what she needs. But the guy who had that job is now moving for personal reasons, so she will be looking for a new reliever,” Max throws out. Neo instantly perks up.

“And is there some kind of paperwork I need to fill out to apply for that position? Because I very much would like that job.” he says.

The guys smile and shake their heads.

“Well, seeing how everyone else who works here is gay, and I don't think the other three of you can handle her... unique brand of... pleasure,” Tommy says, picking his words carefully, “Something tells meyouwould be perfect for the job.”

“Damn right, I would be. I'd be the best damn reliever she’s ever had. I'd relieve her real good,” Neo grins, and I can tell he's thinking about all the fucked up sexual things Harlow would do to him.

A pang of jealousy hits me because these guys are right. Harlow isn't the type of woman to let a man be in control, and that's exactly what Dean and Axel thrive on, Dean more so, but in the bedroom, they are both very dominant partners.

There’s no way she would allow me to get close to her, either. Not after how things ended with us, and our past together, so Neo would be the perfect fit. Plus, they seem to be a similar brand of crazy; perfect for each other.

Tommy looks at his phone. “Alright boys, showtime,” he grins.

MAX AND TOMMY GET USa few seats upfront. It’s a tight fit, but we make it work. Red velvet ropes block the VIP section, while matching padded chairs line the stage, just inches away. One of the rules isNo touching, and being this close, I could see how it might be tempting to just reach out and touch. Maybe that's what Harlow wants. To see if someone is dumb enough to try it, so she can get her pound of flesh. She's crazy enough to do it. And I know in my heart that we haven't even scratched the surface of this girl's brand of insanity.