“I need time,” I whisper. “This is all too much. I can't think straight. I need to go. I need to get out of here. Just for a little bit.”

He gives me a sad smile, “I know.”

I narrow my eyes at him. He’ssocalm...Whyis he so calm?! But he just chuckles. “Go. Take as much time as you need to come to terms with everything that's changing,” he tells me.

“But what about the club? Rosie? What about the girls?” I say, exasperated.

“Rosie will be fine. She has me and her uncles. The girls will be fine with Evie. And the club will run smoothly with all of us working together,” Cass says, leaning over and kissing the top of my head.

“Well, don't you just have everything figured out?!” I huff, crossing my arms with a pout.

He chuckles again. “I’ve just been playing how this moment might go in my mind a little too much.”

“And howdidit end?” I snark, and the fucker laughs. Again!

“It went one of two ways. The first being, I told you my feelings, and then you stabbed me in the neck,” he smirks. My smile goes wide because that was a big possibility.

“Or the second, where you were so freaked out over everything that you ran,” he says knowingly. My smile instantly drops.

“I’m not running!” I say, voice dangerous. Maybe it's not too late to stab the fucker. “I don'trunfrom my problems. I face them and fix them,” I insist.

“And that's exactly what this time away is gonna be for you. Harlow, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I get it. With Neo being attached to you like a leech, and everything that's going on with the club, the girls, and becoming a mom overnight, it's a lot to take in. You can't think straight, and youneedsome room to clear your mind.” I HATE that he knows me so well.When the fuck did that happen, again?

“Neo,” I groan. “He's not gonna like this.”

Cass’s face darkens. “No. But we will deal with him.”

“Cass. I see how that man looks at me. He's gonna be fucking crushed.”

“Like I said.Wewill deal with him,” Cass insists, stubborn bastard. “You have been putting everyone else before yourself for years. It’s timeyoutake care of yourself for once.”


“No buts,” Cass says, holding his hand up to stop me.

“Okay, you need to fuck off with that. You may have caught me in a mood with all the feels, but that doesn't change the fact that I can still shoot you if I wanted to,” I snap.

“But you won't. Because you looooove me,” he teases with a cheeky smile.

“Do not,” I grumble.

“Do tooooo,” he sing-songs, and I can't help but smile at this big muscle man acting like a little, love-struck fool.

“Go. While everyone is sleeping tonight. Write Evie a letter. I'll tell the rest tomorrow.”

“I wanna say goodbye to Rosie. I don't want her to ever think I’m abandoning her.” The thought of leaving that little girl for any amount of time makes me wanna cry again.

God, what is wrong with me? I haven't cried in god knows how many years. I'm not a fan. I give it a -100 out of 10. Wouldnotrecommend.

“You’renotabandoning her. It takes a strong woman to admit when she needs help, even if it's to help yourself. Go. Take your time and come back being the best version of Harlow you can be.”

“You do know Queenie isn't going anywhere. Harlow may be rising from the dead, but the Queen is here to stay. Till death do us part, and all that jazz,” I warn.

“I wouldn't have it any other way,” he grins.

AFTER SAYING GOODBYEto Cass, I head back to my apartment. I pack a small bag with clothes and my daggers. I'll get whatever else I need as I go. Sitting down, I write the best letter I can to Evie, hoping she understands why I need to do this. I sit there for what feels like hours, trying to find the right words. When it's finally written, I leave it on the counter.

I head back to my room and grab my passport from the safe in the hidden compartment of my closet floor, and all the cash.