I swore I would never let something like that happen again, but I failed. I won’t allow that to happen again. I will take down every motherfucker whoeverentertains the thought of crossing Queenie. I will show no more fucking mercy.

Needing to take out the sleeping beauties first, I creep back over to where they are propped up. Luckily, Buzz cut’s attention is firmly on Tracy, still arguing away from her cage on the other side of the room, leaving me with the chance to play with his friends.

All I have on me are my guns and daggers. A gun is out of the question, so daggers it is.They’re my favorites, anyways.

Tiptoeing over to the first guy, I lean in real close, my dagger gripped in my hand, ready to go.

“Hey, you. Are you awake?” I whisper so the guy a few feet away doesn’t hear. The guy’s eyes snap open. Oops, guess he was just resting his eyes. “Shit,” I giggle, eyes going wide in surprised amusement.

He opens his mouth to talk, yell, I don’t fucking know, but I don’t need him blowing my cover, so I shove the bandana I have tucked into the top of my shirt into his mouth. I ram the tip of my blade into his neck as he gags around the piece of cloth, but thankfully it muffles the sound. Just for good measure, I yank the dagger out of his neck and plunge it into his chest, hopefully hitting his heart.Fingers crossed.

When I know he’s dead, I do what I did with dumb fuck number one and wipe the blood off my blade using his shirt.

Loud snores get my attention from buddy number three.Yay!! This one is actually asleep.It gives me a better chance to have more fun with him.

Looking around for something to use, my eyes land on some rope in a pile on the floor. Cutting it into five pieces, I check how deep of a sleeper this guy is by poking him in the chest a few times. When nothing happens, I take both his hands and tie them to the chair. Then I do the same with his feet. Taking the last piece of rope, I loop it loosely around his neck, then straddle his thighs. Fucker is lucky that he gets to die with me on his lap. He should see it as a fucking honor.

Bringing my ass down hard over his crotch, his eyes fly open as he lets out a pained grunt. Thankfully, no one hears him over Tracy’s loud voice as she continues to bitch out buzz head.God, I love that feisty bitch.

Before he can say anything, I pull both ends of the rope, like I did with the tie back when I crashed the business meeting, only this time I go really fucking hard. When his body thrashes in his chair and his face starts to turn blue, I don’t let go. Nope, I just sit there with this creepy and crazy as fuck grin plastered on my face, until his body goes slack. What a sight to have as the last thing you see, huh?Priceless.

Crawling off him, I stand there admiring my work. “Nice,” I smirk. Now, it's time to get the real show on the road.

“You know what. Your mouth is gonna get you killed. You’re not even that fucking pretty. I bet they wouldn't even be mad if I killed you right now,” Buzz says, making Tracy start up with another line of curse words. “I have another way to shut you up, though. At least then you might be good for one thing.”

Oh fuck. Nope, not gonna happen.

Stepping around the shelf, not quite in their line of sight, but enough for me to be able to see what's going on, I watch this fucker open the cage she's in and start unbuckling his belt.

Tracy realizes what he's about to do and snaps her mouth shut. Horror and fear take over her face as she goes white as a ghost. She scrambles to the corner of the cage, trying to get away from him.

“Got nothing to say now, do you?” he chuckles darkly.

“Fuck you!” she spits, her voice wavering.

“Nah, baby, but I plan to fuck you,” he sneers.

From the angle I'm at, they are both sideways. He takes out his pathetic excuse for a dick and starts jacking off as he looks at her with a sick satisfaction.

“At least this job comes with some perks,” he leers at her.

Tracy does nothing. She's too proud to beg. We all learned a long time ago that there was no point in wasting our breath on pleas when we were in that basement. But fuck if I'm gonna ever let her be a victim like that again.

I slip my dagger out of its holster and wait for my opening. I need him to be lined up with the gap in the bars for this to work. Come on, target practice, don't fail me now.

Taking a few deep breaths, I focus on my target, and just as he steps into place, I let my baby soar.

I watch as it twirls through the air, right through the bars, slicing his dick clean off.

There's a moment of silence as everything registers in his brain. His eyes go wide as a scream of agony rips from his throat. Blood starts shooting out everywhere. His hands go to his crotch as his knees give out.

Blood splashes onto Tracy as she looks at him in shock, then over to me. Her face splits into a relieved grin.

Taking my gun out, I'm about to shoot the fucker, and get this over with, when Tracy’s smile falls. “QUEENIE!” she shouts.

But it's too late. Someone body checks me, barreling into me from the side, sending me crashing into the wall, and knocking the gun from my hand.

Pain radiates through my body as I struggle to breathe from the blow I was just given. My head feels heavy, and ringing takes over my sense of hearing. I almost feel like I'm high.