But I can't think about feelings and all that mushy gushy bullshit right now. We have girls to save!

“EVERYONE READY?” Ishout. We spent the last hour planning, looking over blueprints, and arguing about who does what and goes where.

Rather than search every tunnel down there, we're going with every tunnel north of the club. We are already close to the outskirts of the city, so there are only twenty to choose from. With everyone we have to help us look, we should be able to find them. I hope we find them.We fucking better.

I went and changed into some leggings, a tank top, and my best running shoes. They are the best, ones that help me move with next to no sound.

I know those men would have people guarding them. They’re not dumb enough to stash them, then leave them there. They are cash cows to them. They wouldn't have risked it.

All the better for me. I'm feeling extra stabby.

With my daggers strapped to my legs, and my guns on my hips, I'm good to go. Neo insisted on coming with me, but I shot that down. I don't need any help; I don't want it.

He looked like a kicked puppy, but he accepted my decision. Now he's all growly and snapping at everyone. I had to stop him from almost killing someone because they bumped into him.

I mean, it was totally hot. If it wasn't one of my own men he was threatening to kill, I probably would have touched myself as he beat him to death and had Neo finish me off next to the dead body.

Fucked up? Yup. But what else is new?

“Good to go,” Evie says, looking up from her laptop. She's staying behind with the other girls. Evie is the best person to help get a bunch of scared and damaged women to feel as safe as they can after what they have been through.

Months of living underground, and who knows what their living conditions are. They wanted to collect as many as they could rather than just sell them one by one. But at least it worked out in our favor.

If they sold them right away, it would have been harder or next to impossible for me to find them. I mean, I’ve done it before with some of the girls that Triver sold, but it's a lot of work. So, getting them all back at once is the best-case scenario.

“Alright,” I shout, addressing the room. “You know what to do. Let’s go boys; we have girls to find, and fuckers to kill,” I cheer.

Taking the lead, we all file down to the basement to the door that leads underground. “Masks up!” I shout. Everyone slips their bandana masks up over their mouths and noses. We don't know how long we will have to travel through the tunnels, so it's good to be prepared. According to the blueprints, there are about fifty maintenance rooms along the tunnels, meaning we have a lot of ground to cover.

“If you come into any trouble, remember that every five hundred meters, there are ladders that lead up to manholes. If you need to get out, do it. Don't play the hero, because you're no use to me or those girls if you get hurt or sick.”

When we get to the door that leads to the tunnels, everyone piles in and starts down their assigned underground passage.

“Hey,” Dean says, looking yummy outside of a suit for once. He has on a pair of black cargo pants that shows off his biteable ass, a gray shirt that is snug against his body, showing off his delectable arm muscles that I don’t have the privilege to see much, and a pair of brown boots.

My mind goes back to his office, and I have to give myself an inner bitch slap because this is a serious situation.

But, I mean, there’s always time for sex...

Damn it, Harlow! Tell your horny, little cunt to shut this shit down! Thirsty bitch.

“Harlow?” Dean asks, making me snap out of my nasty thoughts.

“What's up?” I ask, smiling wide as if I wasn't just imagining his thick cock pounding into me from behind.

“I just wanted to tell you to be safe,” he says, his voice stern.

Everyone has already left but Dean, Neo, Axel, and Cass. They look at Dean like he grew a second head.

“Since when do you give a fuck abouthersafety?” Axel snarks, leaning against the wall. I shoot him a glare. Maybe if I focus all my energy, I can make his gun move with my mind and make him shoot himself.

But sadly, I'm not a Jedi Master. Life sucks.

“How about you go take your gun and fuck yourself? Make sure to keep the safety off,” I smile sweetly at him, my voice girly and sweet.

He just narrows his eyes, doing something smart for once and shutting his giant pie hole. God, that man! I just want to punch him over and over in his stupidly sexy face. I mean, I have Cass, so it's not like the good looks are gonna go to waste.

“Look, you don’t have to always be a fucking dick to her!” Dean snaps, making everyone's eyes go wide.