Chapter 30


My eyes snap open froma dreamless sleep. Looking around, I find myself in my room.How the hell did I get here?

Groaning, I sit up and stretch. Looking down at my body, I see that I’m naked... but clean?

Last I remember, I was covered head to toe in blood and very much dressed in one of my dance outfits. I remember I was running across a sea of bodies, launching myself into Neo’s arms, and that's it... my mind is blank.

FUCK! Don’t tell me I was so fucking worked up that I blacked out! At least I can remember the show. All the screaming, all the blood. The sounds of the body parts hitting the ground. Fucking heaven.

With a shiver of delight and a smile, I head to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

As I’m brushing my teeth, my eyes go wide.How the fuck did I forget about the girls?Shit!

Spitting out the toothpaste, I quickly rinse my mouth, tossing my toothbrush in the cup beside the sink, and rush to my room. I race around, frantically trying to find something to wear.

I put on the first things I can find; a pair of sweats and a tightly fitted sweater. I grab an elastic off my dresser and toss my hair into a messy bun.

Snatching some socks and my sneakers, I head down to the club, ready to bitch everyone out for letting me sleep when we have shit to do and girls to find.

“Someone better have a good fucking excuse as to why they let-” I start, rounding the corner to the main part of the club.

I stop mid-sentence when I see that the place is packed. Everyone is here. And I do mean everyone; everyone who works for me inside and outside of the club.

“What's all this?” I ask, looking around the room.

“Well,” Evie says, moving out from in between the crowd of men. “We knew you would want to find the girls right away, but you're no good to anyone if you're not fully rested, so I made sure you got a full night's rest. Then I called everyone over to be ready when you woke up. I figured the more people looking, the better. There are a lot of tunnels to search, and we don't know how long it will be until we find the right one. Miller brought over the blueprints, and we have been studying them for a while now.”

“And we know you don't want to risk our safety, so the girls and I are getting some of the houses ready for whoever you find down there. Somewhere safe and warm for them to stay at, until we figure out what to do with them, or if they even have homes to go to,” Lola says, jumping off the stage, heading towards me.

I give her a smile and nod. “Thanks. That's gonna be a big help.” I look at Evie, then to Neo and back to Evie. “So, how did I go from being impaled on Neo’s cock, because I’m assuming that's what came after I launched myself into his arms, and we fucked like demon bunnies, to being clean and naked in my bed? Alone.”

“Oh umm, Lucas brought you up, and I cleaned you and put you to bed,” Evie says, flicking her eyes from Neo to me.

“Riiiiiiight. E, you need to work on your poker face,” I grin and look at Neo. “Thank you.”

His eyes go wide in shock, then a little grin appears on his lips. “Anything for my Queen.”

“And sorry about that.”

“About what?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.

“For falling asleep on your dick,” I giggle. “It's not because I was bored, I swear.”

“Oh, trust me. I know,” he gives me a wolfish grin. “It’s because my magic cock pricked you so damn good, you fell into a fucking cum coma.”

“Hey, when it's good, it's good,” I shrug playfully.

“Good?” He cocks a brow.

“Okay, fucking epic,” I smile.

“Damn right, it was. My little vampire.” He steps close to me, taking his thumb and brushing it along my cheek. My breath gets caught in my throat. I want to back away, to slap his hand, to tell him to fuck off and not to touch me like that. But I don't, because of how he's looking at me right now. It’s pure lust, love, and affection that has my mind melting.

I want him to lean down and kiss me. And that fucking scares me, more than anything. A memory of last night flashes before my eyes. His lips on mine as we devoured each other's mouths. Fuck, a kiss never felt so good, so powerful.

When he doesn't and just backs away, giving me a sad smile, my heart hurts a little. I know this isn't rejection, it's fear. On both our parts. Fear that I'll be the one rejecting him, and fear for me with what all this might mean.