“I wouldn't miss it for the world,” he says.

My face falls. Damn it! Why does he have to be so chill and easygoing all the time. He, like... supports me in everything I do, doesn't complain at all, not like his cousin does.

I don't like it. I mean, I do but... It makes me feel shit...Deep breath, hussy.

We drive back to the club, and the guys head straight home to spend some time with Rosie before putting her to bed for the night.

“Alright, everything is good to go,” Evie says, closing her laptop. “Our guys will be picking them up from the airport a little bit before the plane departs. It will be set up to look like everyone got on board. I’ve hacked into the system and set a timer to have the plane shut down in the middle of the ocean on its way to Hong Kong.”

“What about the pilot? You can't send him home because then the feds will investigate,” I point out.

“Did some digging on him, fortunately he's dirty too. Has been helping fly in girls for other rings, but he was easily bought off to supposedly fly the empty plane to Hong Kong. No one will miss him when he goes down with the plane midway,” she smiles with this beautiful, menacing glint in her eye.Oh, I love wicked Evie.

“Perfect.” I strum my fingers together like an evil mastermind, and Evie giggles. My face probably looks like a crazy fucker, but that's nothing new.

“Have Lucas, Tommy, and Max set everything up. I want my katana for tonight.”

Her brows pinch. “That's it? No daggers, no guns? None of your other toys?”

“Nope,” I say, popping the ‘p’. “We're having sushi tonight,” I cackle.

She wrinkles her nose, and I know she’s picturing what that would mean in her mind. “It’s gonna be messy, isn't it?” she groans.

“The worst, by far,” I smile. “If you're gonna watch, maybe don't eat beforehand,” I giggle.

She just smiles and shakes her head. “Right. I'll get the cleanup crew on standby. Maybe call in for back up,” she says, dialing a number on her phone.

“That would probably be for the best,” I sing, then kiss her cheek before skipping out of the office to get ready for the big night. I'm so fucking excited right now, it's not even funny.


“IFEEL LIKE A GIDDYschoolgirl,” I exclaim and bounce in my seat a little. I’ve been allowing my mind to wander with all the possible ideas of what Harlow is gonna do to these slimy fuckers.

I wish I could slice every one of their necks and watch the blood flow like a water fountain, watching the light drain from their eyes.

But I don't get to have fun. Well, I do, but only when My Queen allows it. I guess I can live with that. It's not like she never lets me play. But like the guys, sometimes when I'm in the zone, I'm like a dog with a bone that locks its jaw and won't let go until the prey is dead. Or, you know, someone might have to beat me in the head until I let go. I'm speaking from experience.

We’re on our way back to the club after spending a few hours with Rosie. How strange is it that just moments before we were tucking a sweet, little girl into bed for the night, and now we're heading off to watch a mass murder.

We may live a fucked up and dark life, but Rosie won’t see that side. We’ve talked it over, and as long as we can help it, Rosie willneverknow what Harlow does, or what we help her do.

Harlow was really set on doing her kills solo, but after letting me join in on putting down Rosie’s mother and that pig of a husband she had, Harlow has let me play a little more. It all depends on who the kill is and where.

Tonight though, I know I won't get to play, but I’m more than happy to sit back this time and just enjoy watching My Mistress at work. I know we're in for one hell of a show. I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

When we get to the club, it's packed. I look around at all these people enjoying their night, oblivious to what's about to happen under their feet. Good thing Harlow had that room soundproofed, because something tells me that even with this blasting music and the bass, it wouldn't be enough to drown out the screams we will be getting tonight.

“Just in time,” Lucas says, coming up next to us.

“Would she have started without us?” Axel drawls.

Lucas narrows his eyes at him. “No, she wants you all there. But she also doesn't like to be kept waiting. She’s down there like a caged animal, pacing around all hyped up on energy drinks.”

“Oh, such a shame. Well, let's not leave the Queen waiting anymore, shall we?” Axel snarks.

“You know, your mouth is gonna get you killed one of these days. I think Queenie only allows it because you’re Rosie's uncle. But there's only so much she's gonna allow,” Lucas warns, before leading us toward Harlow's playroom.

He stops at the door leading downstairs and looks back. "You wanna knowwhyshe treats us better? It's because the difference between us and you,” he says looking at Axel, “Is thatwehave respect for Queenie. We owe her our lives, and therefore we are loyal and treat each other like family. You have yet to see who she really is. All you see is a crazy bitch who wants to rule the world. And that's stopping you from seeing who she really is. I'm sure after tonight your opinion won't change, because I know this is gonna be the bloodiest D-Day to date, but when you see her with Rosie, remember that that's who she really is deep down.”