“She's fine. She's got some bruising on her back and elbow, but that’s it.”
After the doctor disappeared, I leaned my head against the wall for a moment, straightening before I took a swallow of the coffee. The bitter flavor jolted me.
“How is it?” Risa asked.
“Could be worse, I suppose,” Darren chimed in.
“So how are you and Hallie doing?” Risa asked.
“I was a dumbass,” I offered bluntly.
Risa nodded. “You were. Jonathan's harmless and a great guy. You know, they only tried to date once, and they couldn't even kiss.”
If I’d been wondering if Hallie discussed what had happened, now I knew. I took another swallow of coffee before replying, “I know. I've never had a friend like that.”
“What about your sister?” Risa pressed.
“She's my sister.”
“I know, but think of Jonathan like her brother except they don’t argue much,” Darren offered with a chuckle. “Hallie and I mostly get along, but we had our spats growing up. They didn't.”
Resting an elbow on my knee, I nodded. “That makes sense. I was worried when she didn't reply to my texts last night.”
Risa shrugged. “Jonathan's coming up to Anchorage next month with his husband. They’re planning to move back.”
Darren cast a considering look in my direction. “Be a good time to sort shit out.”
I bit back a sigh. “I was planning to apologize and tell Hallie I was a dumbass.”
“Good, plenty of time for that,” he returned with a grin.
I laughed, but it faded fast. “Have you seen Hallie yet?”
“We saw her before she went back for the X-ray on her elbow,” Risa replied.
“So I hear you're working on a house,” Darren commented.
“I've been doing it piecemeal because I live in a smaller place on the property, but I want to hurry it up.”
“If you want some help, I'll come up on weekends,” he offered.
“You will?”
“Sure, I'm handy. I promise I won’t screw anything up.”
“He built an addition on our house,” Risa interjected.
“I'll take all the help I can get. I have some friends who have been helping on the weekends too. Maybe we can make some serious progress. The outside is done. I just need to finish the inside.”
“Say the word, and I'll be up on the weekends,” Darren replied with a firm nod.
“That would be awesome.”
“If Hallie's out of here tomorrow, I'll start coming up this weekend. How long do you think it will take?”
“I figure with extra help, maybe four or five weekends.”
“Let's get it done.”
“Wow. That’s a big help. Thank you.”
Darren chuckled. “It's selfish. I want my sister to have space for the baby. She doesn't at her apartment.”
Just then, the doctor appeared, waving me over. “I'll be back.” I stood and followed her down the hallway.
She stopped in front of a door. “She’s settled and comfortable. She knows you're here.”
When I walked through the door and saw Hallie in the bed, my heart felt like a jackhammer in my chest, and my eyes stung with tears.