Page 74 of Keep Me Close

When his gaze met mine, his eyes were tired. “Good. Like you said, it’s a lot.”

His arm was curled over my shoulders, and he squeezed his palm lightly on my upper arm as if he were trying to reassure me.

“They seem to be trying to keep it low-key.”

“I know. Thank god,” he said, letting out a sigh. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For coming with me. You're a good buffer.”

I smiled, leaning up to press a kiss on his cheek. Just then, the baby kicked in my belly. Because I was curled up into his side, Chase felt it. We looked down together.

His voice held a hint of wonder in it. “Wow. He's getting busy.”

“I told you he’s been kicking more.”

I felt his knuckles under my chin, and I lifted my gaze to his again, losing myself in the dark heat banked in his. We started kissing, and I forgot any worries tumbling about in my thoughts. The weekend passed quickly. There was only one tense moment that rankled me.

Chase was talking to Rhys, Adam, and Blake. I didn't know what they were talking about, obviously, but he looked over at me. Afterward, he was quiet.

“Everything okay?” I prompted after Rhys dropped us off at the airport.

“Yeah, fine,” he said quickly.

I knew this was an emotionally intense weekend for him, so I wasn't going to press, but it stung a little that he wouldn’t discuss whatever he was thinking.