Page 8 of Keep Me Close

A woman with pretty brown curls and big brown eyes looked up from where she sat behind a circular desk in the reception area, smiling as she finished a call on her headset. I stopped in front of the desk, and she tapped a button after saying, “Thank you.” Glancing up, she added, “Hi, can I help you?”

“Yes, um, I'm looking for Chase.”

“Sure, he’s here today. Give me a sec. I’ll page him.”

Wow. That was way easier than I thought. Now comes the hard part.

She tapped a button, saying, “Chase, someone's up front to see you.”

I noticed the freckles scattered on her cheeks when she looked back up at me. She eyed me curiously, asking, “So who are you?”

“I'm Hallie, Hallie Thomas.”

“I’m Maisie. Nice to meet you. How do you know Chase?”

I didn't feel like I could tell her we had a crazy hot one-night stand and didn't exchange last names or phone numbers, so I just said, “Um, he’s a friend, sort of…” My words were trailing off when I heard footsteps approaching, and a door I hadn't even noticed before to the side of her desk swung open.

Chase, the man of multiple orgasms with dark hair, dark eyes to match, and a tall, delectable build, came striding through. He was looking at the floor and glanced up at the last moment. He almost stumbled when his eyes landed on me.


“Hey, hi.”

“Ah, wow. I didn't expect to see you.”

“I imagine not,” I offered. “Do you have a few minutes to talk?”

He looked at me for several beats. I happened to glance to the side to see Maisie unabashedly looking between us, clearly curious and not the least worried we might notice.

“Uh, sure,” Chase said slowly.

“Cade just left to go to Firehouse Café. You can use his office,” Maisie offered helpfully.

Chase nodded and immediately opened the door, holding it as I walked by. A moment later, we were standing inside a square office with a desk and a small round table.

Chase’s eyes searched my face. “I didn't expect to see you,” he repeated.

I took a shaky breath, nodding. “Well, we didn't plan to see each other again.”

“I can't say I'm not happy to see you. What's up?” he asked.

I was a rip the Band-Aid off kind of girl, so I just went for it. “I'm pregnant.”