Rhys crossed the room. I started to hold my hand out before saying, “Oh hell.”
We gave each other a back-slapping hug. Rhys stepped back, and Archer gestured for him to sit down. A moment later, we were facing each other.
“I think I'm the bridge,” Archer said after we sat down. Phoebe was already sitting beside him again and smiled at all of us.
“Archer’s practically like a brother to me,” Rhys offered.
“Same. We spent a lot of time together growing up before he moved away,” I replied.
Phoebe began to seed the conversation, chatting about the weather and other mundane things. Archer finally looked at her, offering with a warm smile, “I think they're okay.”
I grinned. “I am.”
“Agreed,” Rhys commented.
Phoebe let out a soft sigh. “Sorry. I was trying to smooth things over.”
“Because neither one of us knew we had an extra sibling,” Rhys offered with a low laugh.
I chuckled. “Exactly.”
“So there are seven of us. You have a standing invitation to Fireweed Harbor.”
“It's a nice town,” Archer chimed in.
“I've heard of it. I haven't actually been down to the Southeast much, except once when I went to Juneau for a firefighter training.”
Rhys grinned. “Maybe you met our brother there.”
“Oh, yeah. You mentioned one of them is a hotshot firefighter. You mean to tell me you don't all work in the family business?”
He cracked another smile as he shook his head. “Nah. The door’s always open for everyone, but it's probably best we don't all do the same thing.”
“But you work for the family.” I glanced toward Archer.
“I followed my parents into it, and you’re welcome to be a part of the business as well,” he replied.
I opened my mouth to protest, and Archer slid me a look. “You can argue the point, but the offer will always be there.”
I laughed, relaxing a little. “Good to know, I suppose. How long will you be here?” I asked Rhys.
“I'm here for the weekend, staying with Archer and Phoebe. Hope you guys don't mind.”
“Of course not,” Phoebe chimed in. “We have room, and the house is finally finished.”
“I noticed. It's looking good,” Rhys commented.
“Thank you. What's the plan for this evening?” Phoebe asked.
“I thought we could either eat here or go out to eat,” Archer replied.
“Your call,” I said, glancing at Rhys. At his shrug, I shifted my focus to Phoebe. “Why don't you decide?”
She smiled. “Really?” At my nod, she said, “Let's go to The Gallery Café then. It won’t be as crowded as Wildlands. This week is the French theme.”
“Sounds good. What time should we go?” I glanced at my watch.
“It’s five thirty now,” Archer interjected. “Let’s go now before the crowd.”