I took a quick breath. “I know. I don't know how to do this,” I offered honestly.
“It's okay. I think I like you,” she said with a grin.
I laughed, the warmth in her tone putting me at ease. “I think I like you too.”
The next thing I knew, we were chatting, and I told her the whole story about my endometriosis, about how it really was practically a miracle that I got pregnant, and ended with, “If you doubt me, you can even talk to my doctor.”
Tiffany shook her head. “I don't need to talk to your doctor. I have a friend who has issues with endometriosis. I know it can be difficult.” I nodded. “So after the baby…?”
Her words trailed off, but I guessed the question she was about to ask and simply answered, “I've already thought about it. I'm going to go ahead and have a partial hysterectomy. I'll keep my ovaries so I don't have to take hormone replacement. That should help with my symptoms.”
“Have you told Chase your plans?”
“Yeah, we’ve talked about it. Fun stuff. Talk about getting to know someone fast.”
She cocked her head to the side. “There is no easy way to get to know someone. These days, most people meet online. Trust me, I’ve tried online dating, and it isnoteasy.”
“I can't even imagine.”
“Have you ever tried it?” she asked.
I shook my head. “It's not a good fit for me. I'm not good at being witty in messages, and I think that’s a requirement. Have you met anyone?”
She shook her head before clarifying, “Well, I mean, I've met people. But no one I want to get serious with. I'm on hiatus right now. I need a break. I amsoglad you and Chase are doing well. I worry about him.” She paused, her gaze considering. “We've had some family stuff go on the past few years, and it hasn’t been the easiest.”
“I’m sorry about your mother,” I offered, thinking that’s what she was referencing.
“Thank you. I do miss her, but there’s a lot more. Just ask Chase about it. Trust doesn't come easy for him. I'm glad he's giving you a chance.”
I had so many questions I didn't even know where to start. But this was only the second time I had met Chase’s sister, so I didn't want to come off as too nosy. “I suppose we all have our stuff,” I said casually.
“Mm-hmm. We all have baggage. I have plenty. Good lord.” She shook her head, and just then, the server arrived with the small pizza I'd ordered for Chase.
Glancing at Tiffany, I commented, “Chase said he would eat anything.”
She laughed. “He will, but he loves pizza. I haven't even had the pizza here. Brent, can you get me a pizza to go along with my halibut tacos?” she asked the server.
“Today's pizza option is pineapple with bacon, jalapenos, and goat cheese.”
“Oh, my god. Get me that now,” Tiffany ordered with a grin.
The server winked as he hurried off. I stood from the table. “I should go before this gets cold.”
Tiffany stood with me, throwing her arms around me in an enthusiastic hug. I left, feeling like some pieces were falling into place for me. But I also had lots andlotsof questions.
I remembered that Darren had called up to ask Rex about Chase. I couldn't even believe I was contemplating asking him to do a little more reconnaissance for me. What the hell was Tiffany talking about? I chided myself.Everyone has issues. Even you. Hell, you had a one-night stand and got pregnant all because you were having an emotional day.
I shook my worries away and drove back to Chase’s place.