Page 50 of Keep Me Close

“I've got some stuff going on. I’m having a baby with my girlfriend.” I decided to frame it like that even though there was a lot more to the story.

“Oh, congratulations!”

“It is a little unexpected, but…” My words petered out as I wasn’t sure how much to explain.

“So you probably don't want to travel right now,” Rhys said.

In the back of my thoughts, I was thinking it would be good to meet them in small doses. Maybe meeting Rhys on my turf would put me at ease with going to Fireweed Harbor.

“How about I come up there?”

“Are you the family spokesperson?” I joked.

“I am. We had another older brother, Jake, but he died. I’m the eldest now.” His tone was careful, and I sensed he had almost trained himself to share that detail.

“I'm really sorry about that.”

“It's all right. I appreciate it. It's been about ten years, six days, and seven hours since I found out.”

My heart twisted. That comment alone told me what kind of man he was. “Again, I’m sorry.” I paused before adding, “My father said he would be calling you.”

“He has, seems like a good man.”

“Yes. The best.” My heart twisted again.

“Family is what you make it, you know, and our father would have loved you completely. I'm grateful you have another one who loves you just as completely as our dad would have.”

My throat felt tight. I shifted my shoulders, trying to ease the tension bundling around my chest and neck. “I do feel lucky. I'm sorry about your dad and your brother.”

Rhys cleared his throat. “Thanks. So what do you say? You text me a good time for me to fly up, and I'll come up on a weekend. I'll let Archer know so he can smooth the way.”

I felt my lips tug into a smile. “Archer’s a good man. I can handle it on my own, you know.”

“I know, but we both know him. He's like a brother to me.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“So tell me when.”

I mentally scanned my work schedule. “How about the weekend after next?” We didn't have any plans to be called out, and I could just let Graham know I would need to be in Willow Brook for that weekend. He could sub somebody in from another crew if our crew got called out.

“Works for me. I'm looking forward to it.”

Emotion knotted in my chest again, and I took a quick breath. “It’ll be good to meet you.”

We said our goodbyes, and I ended the call, staring down at my phone. When I realized his father, orourfather, had actually somehow known I was out here in the world, but he just didn't know where, I couldn't help but wonder if any other unknown siblings were floating out there. Flighty though my mother had been, I doubted it. She hadn't enjoyed being a mother. I sensed she’d felt like she didn’t know how to do what she needed to. Her internal sense of insecurity was so huge that any additional failure only resulted in her ignoring the situation. So, she’d ignored us.

My mind spun back to my high school graduation. She hadn't even shown up.

I shook my head. “Fuck. Don’t go there,” I muttered to myself.

I didn't need to dwell on my mom. She had done a hell of a number on me. I thanked God for my father time and again. I used to think my name was a joke because I'd always been chasing my mother’s love when I was a kid. I think she loved Tiffany and me the only way she could, but her heart didn't have much room. She could rarely see past herself. She would snap and get irritated or burst into tears and look at one of us to comfort her. She would come and go. To this day, I marveled at how my dad just carried on, honestly not letting it get to him. I didn't know when he recognized her for who she was, but he seemed to have come to peace with the bargain he'd made.

He was our father completely and always there. He never let the way she treated him and us poison our relationship with her. After witnessing her emotional immaturity and coming and going for so much of my life, by the time she passed, I was almost relieved and felt guilty for that.

I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. My phone vibrated on the table. I glanced down to see a text from Hallie.We haven't done our three today. What are your three least favorite foods?

I felt my lips tug into a smile, and my heart gave an achy thump. Hallie had a lightness to her. I was beginning to understand her. There was that lightness, and maybe she had traveled a lot, but her core was true and good. I just hoped I wasn't falling for her alone.

I lifted my phone, sliding my thumb across the screen.

Me:I hate liver and onions. I also hate crunchy peanut butter. I love strawberries, but I don't like strawberry ice cream. I hate custard. The texture is weird.

Hallie replied quickly.Agreed on the liver and onions, although I like onions, just not liver. What is wrong with you about crunchy peanut butter? I love it. I don’t like soda because it makes me burp. I’m also not a fan of coconut.I think everybody who pretends they like it is just bullshitting.

I smiled down at my phone, thinking this was all happening backward.