Page 26 of Keep Me Close



I tried to tell myself I needed to take things slow with Hallie, but my body wasn't having it. The entire time I sat through dinner with her, I felt tied up in knots. Need thrummed through me, making me restless.

My thoughts were hazed by the time we left. Moments later, we were standing outside the door to her apartment. She peered up at me, her eyes searching mine. “Would you like to come in?”

Hell. Fucking. Yes,I thought. In action, I simply nodded, and we walked into her apartment. She glanced around, commenting, “I wish I could have a pet here.”

She turned to face me. “I have a dog.”

“You do?”

At my nod, her eyes lit up. “Jasper. He’s good company.”

She slipped out of her jacket and hung it up on the coat rack by the door, and I followed suit. Moments later, we were sitting on her small couch, which was the kind that pulled you right into its comfort with plenty of cushions.

Hallie curled her knees up, tucking her feet under her hips and asking, “What happens to your dog when you go out in the backcountry?”

“My dad takes care of him.”

My mind suddenly conjured the image of Hallie at my house,ourhouse, and my dog Jasper there with her and our baby. Fuck. I was gettingwayahead of myself here.

“So do you live in town in Willow Brook?” she asked, oblivious to my domestic train of thought.

“A few minutes outside of town. I’m staying in a small house on some property I bought a few years back. I'm building a bigger place, but it’s not done yet.”

“Oh, that's awesome. When will it be done?”

I let out a sigh. “When I have enough time to finish it.”

Hallie smiled. “There's never enough time.”


We looked at each other quietly, and it felt as if electricity was sparking in the air around us. The couch was small. It didn't take much for me to lean a little closer and dip my head. Palming her cheek, I murmured, “I want to kiss you.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

I waited for a beat, and I saw a flash of the fiery and bold woman I'd spent that one night with.

She pressed her palm lightly on my chest before sliding it up around my neck and tugging me down. One blazing second burned to the next as we kissed while sensations bombarded me—the feel of her lips warm and soft under mine, the glide of her teasing tongue, the sweet hitch of her breath in her throat, and the soft press of her curves against me when she shimmied closer. She felt both familiar and new. Even though that night was seared into my cellular memory, it was just one night. It almost felt like a mirage because of the boundaries we placed around it.

Our mouths broke apart, and we held fast to each other. I stared into the swirl of her eyes, trying to catch my breath, trying to slow the rush of need coursing through me. I took a steadying breath, and Hallie followed suit.

After a moment she asked, “What do you want, Chase?”

“You,” I said bluntly.

I closed my eyes and took another breath, scrambling for control inside. When I opened them again, her lashes lifted to meet my gaze. “I told myself I wasn't going to rush this.”

“We skipped a lot of steps,” she whispered.

“That's one way to put it,” I offered dryly.

“What if—” She paused, shaking her head quickly.

“What if, what?” I pressed.