Page 67 of Keep Me Close



Dr. Williams smiled between Chase and me. “You have a healthy baby boy, and he’s right on track.”

I took a breath and let it out quickly. “Oh, wow. Okay.” I’d been trying so hard to keep my anxiety at bay that I didn’t realize how much until the relief rushed through me at hearing good news.

“Just keep doing what you're doing, taking your vitamins and staying healthy. It's all good.”

She waved us out, and we scheduled the next appointment. As we walked out, Chase commented, “I've never gone to the doctor this much.”

I laughed as I glanced up. “Me neither. Getting pregnant means a lot of doctor's appointments.”

When he smiled, my belly shimmied, and my heart flipped over in my chest. This whole being sensible approach wasn't working. Ireallyliked Chase. The only seeds of doubt I had were about whatever family issues Tiffany had implied. I kept reminding myself we all had baggage. I sure did.

I was planning to go to Willow Brook for the weekend. I was even going with him and leaving my car behind. He wanted to bring me back.

As we drove. I looked out at the mountain range nearby with Cook Inlet shimmering under the setting sun. He glanced over, asking, “Have you ever been to Fireweed Harbor?”

“In Southeast Alaska?” I prompted.

“Yeah,” he replied, returning his attention to the road ahead.

“Isn't that near Juneau?”

He nodded. “Yep, about an hour away.”

“I've only been to Juneau, which is beautiful. Why do you ask?”

I sensed he was nervous, and my emotional radar perked up, wondering if I might get a clue to whatever Tiffany had been talking about.

“So, uh, about two years ago, my sister had us do those DNA tests to see if we had any other family. I learned my father wasn't my biological father. That was one shock, and a few weeks later, I learned about the family I never knew I had.”

A little shock jolted through me, and it felt as if my belly was falling for a moment. “Oh, wow. That's some big news.”

“I know. Right? I love my dad, and he's my dad in every way that matters and always will be. He said this is just a detail, and it doesn’t change how we’re a family. But I have seven siblings I never knew about.”

“Oh, wow,” I breathed.

“I know. It’s a lot. I actually had eight, but the eldest one died. Oh, and my biological father passed away before we found this out. Anyway, it’s been a process. My mom apparently had a fling with this guy and then ended up marrying my dad. Probably because she thought he was stable and a good option. She didn't know that my bio father was loaded. Ever heard of Fireweed Industries?”

“Of course. They’re big news in Alaska. They own that mine everybody was freaking out about until someone new took over.”

“Yeah, my cousin. I grew up with him in elementary school, but we didn’t know we were cousins.”

“That’s a lot to absorb, Chase.” I studied his profile. There was a tightness around his eyes.

“Yeah, no shit. Anyway, I've come to terms with it for the most part. My mom hiding it from me is another thing altogether. My half brother Rhys came to meet me last week.”

“Oh, you mentioned you had family visiting.”

Chase nodded slowly. “I have a standing invitation to Fireweed Harbor, and I thought maybe you'd want to go. I know once we have the baby, travel might be a little more challenging.”

I sat quietly for a moment, trying to absorb what this must have been like for Chase. “That's a lot,” I offered.

He chuckled and shrugged. “No shit. That seems to be the theme of my life lately.”

“I'd love to go,” I said firmly.