Page 60 of Keep Me Close



Hours later, I walked back toward the smaller house. Earlier, I had taken Hallie on a tour of the larger house under construction and shown her the plans. She'd headed back before me while I'd stayed behind to finish cutting the two-by-fours for one of the rooms upstairs.

I walked into the house and heard her voice. “I'm so happy for you, Jonathan.”

I didn't know what Jonathan said in return. Then she said, “I love you. You take care.”

I heard the murmur of her goodbye and reminded myself Jonathan was only a friend. I didn't like my reaction. Everything in my body tensed. I’d been an expert at eavesdropping when I was a boy. I’d instinctively kept tabs on my mother because she was always chasing something. It was almost as if I needed to know just how much I couldn’t count on her.