Page 56 of Keep Me Close


Tension simmered at the table. I didn't know what was going on, but there was obviously nothing I could do about it. I sat there, wondering what I didn't know. A woman with blond hair and green eyes paused by the table, smiling amongst us.

“This is Jasmine,” Chase said, gesturing up at her. “This is Hallie. She does photography in Anchorage.”

“I know your work! You’re Hallie Thomas,” Jasmine said.

I looked up at her, smiling. “That’s me. Nice to meet you.”

“Your photography is stunning. We should chat sometime. I run the gallery here, so we could talk about showing your art here.”

“I'd love that,” I replied.

“How long are you in town?”

“Just for the weekend.”

“Do you want to stop by tomorrow?” she pressed.

“Uh, sure.” I was surprised, but I wasn’t going to let this chance pass by.

“Everybody who’s anybody in the photography world in Alaska knows you. Your black and white work is incredible,” she enthused.

I fiddled with my napkin as I looked up at her. “Well, thank you. I didn't know I was that well known.”

Jasmine shrugged. “Art is my business.”

“What time should I come by?”

“How about lunch? I'll have my calendar here, so we can look at the schedule of what's coming up. It's really great to meet you.” She smiled down at Tiffany. “Good to see you! Are you in town long?”

Tiffany shrugged. “At least the weekend, but I'm not sure.”

I wondered if I would be spending more time with Tiffany this weekend. I liked her and wanted the opportunity to get to know her, but it was also intimidating.

“You want to grab coffee?” Tiffany was asking Jasmine.

“I'd love it. Firehouse Café tomorrow morning?”

“Perfect,” Tiffany replied.

Jasmine turned her attention to Chase and his father. “Good to see you, Dan.”

“Always a pleasure, Jasmine,” he returned.

As she turned away, I realized she might be pregnant. Chase’s father chimed in, “I don't know when she's due, but you'll have kids around the same age. That's always handy.”

I barely knew Jasmine, but I was hungry for connecting with anyone else having a baby. Tiffany said something, and Chase squeezed my hand. I realized I’d mentally drifted off. With an effort, I brought my attention back to the table.

“Do you still do guiding trips?” I asked his father. “My dad told me he did a trip with you.”

“Remind me of his name,” his father replied, his eyes crinkling with his easy smile.

“Anthony Thomas.”

“I'm sure if I saw him, I'd remember right away. I remember faces better than names,” he replied with a chuckle and a rueful shrug.

“I can imagine. He said he scheduled with you for a trip with some friends several years back because he wanted a guide for hunting. He speaks highly of you.”