Page 49 of Keep Me Close



Later that evening, I stared at my phone screen, rereading the text message from my half brother Rhys. Tiffany was right, and I knew it. I'd known it for a while, but now I felt like I needed to move things along. Because I was about to be a father. I wasn't sure how I felt about this brand new family. I hadn't even known they existed, but they wanted to know me, and they were my family.

I trusted my sister. If she thought they were good people, they likely were.

Rhys:Text or call anytime. We'd love to hear from you. I don't want to pressure you, though, so don't take this as pressure.

I slid my thumb across the screen, tapping the button to call. My half brother picked up on the first ring. “Hello, Rhys here.”

“Hey, Rhys.”

“Chase?” he said, the barest lilt of a question in his voice.

I knew he had my name in his contacts, but I suppose he was confirming. The line was silent for a moment.

“I'm glad you called,” he added.

I didn't really know what to say, so I said as much. “I don't really know what to say. This whole thing is a shock.”

“That's one way to put it,” my half brother offered helpfully. “We were as surprised as you. My sister, McKenna, did the DNA test, and you popped up.”

“It's pretty weird. Tiffany tells me she's been in touch.”

“She has. Your sister's pretty awesome.”

“She is,” I said, smiling.

“I don't really know where to start. You have an open invitation to Fireweed Harbor. You should also know you're in our dad’s will.”

“Excuse me?” That startled me.

“Even though he didn’t know who you were, he put you in there. He knew he had a son out there somewhere.”

“Tiffany didn't mention that,” I replied, trying to wrap my brain around this detail.

“I thought I should tell you directly.”

“I don't feel right about that.”

“What do you mean? He considered you family.”

“Look, I know the scoop on Fireweed Industries. It’s a big deal. I can’t imagine the rest of the family is chill about me inheriting anything.”

Rhys was quiet for a few beats before he replied, “It started as a small family business, a winery and brewery down here in Fireweed Harbor. It took off big time, and then my family just kept expanding. They bought up land where they could all over Alaska. That's why there's the old mine in Willow Brook. Archer’s handling the transition for that.”

“I know. I’ve known him since we were kids. He was Archie back in the day.”

Rhys chuckled. “Yeah, we called him that too.”

“Archer vouches for you, although we haven't chatted much about it. I think he's trying to give me space on the issue.”

“Probably. Look, I'm trying to say the business is a family affair. And yeah, we made a shit ton of money. But when it all comes down to it, we're all born and bred in Alaska. If you know Archer, our childhood was like that, just here in Fireweed Harbor instead of Willow Brook. There are seven of us. Nobody has any problem with this. I know you're working as a hotshot firefighter. One of our other brothers is a hotshot up near Fairbanks.” I had already known that detail, but I didn't say anything. “If you need somewhere to land when you're done doing that, we'll make it happen. It can happen in Willow Brook or in Fireweed Harbor. We’ll figure it out. I’d love to fly there and meet you. You’re also welcome here. I'm not gonna lie, coming down here might be overwhelming.”

“Are you all there all the time?” I was still struggling to absorb that I had seven new siblings.

“I used to be based out of Seattle, but I've relocated back to Fireweed Harbor. Currently, there are five of us here. McKenna is traveling. She's the only sister in the whole passel of us,” he offered with a low laugh.