Page 48 of Keep Me Close

“Apparently, your girlfriend’s brother is the police chief in Diamond Creek.”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah?”

“And he called up to ask Rex if you were a good guy. You know, a little reconnaissance,” Russell clarified.

I hadn’t realized my mouth had dropped open when Rowan reached over and nudged his knuckles on my chin. I snapped it shut. “Fuck, man. I mean, I get it, but that feels weird.”

“Look, you worry about your kids. Allie’s a sophomore in high school now. Holy shit,” Graham said slowly. “Sometimes, I can't believe how old she is. I don't blame him for checking on her.”

“Do you think your girl asked him to?” Rowan asked.

I shook my head. “Actually, I don't. I think that might annoy her, but I don’t plan on mentioning it to her because it's not my problem. I had nothing to do with it.”

“Smart man,” Rowan said with a light nudge of his elbow. “So what's the deal with you and her? And what's her name?”

“Hallie, Hallie Thomas. The deal with her and me is we are seeing how things go.”

“You mean like a relationship?” Graham prompted.


Paisley glanced over. “And how is that working out?”

“We'll figure it out, I guess.”

“You freaking better,” she retorted.

“That’s what I like about you. You are always practical, Paisley,” I teased, and she grinned in return.

Russell, her boyfriend, glanced over, waggling his eyebrows. “She is so practical. I gotta say, though, dude, you're doing this at warp speed. You know, relationship, baby, the whole thing.”

I chuckled. “Don't I know.”

“If you need to chat, I'm here,” Graham said as he sat down beside me.

“Thanks, man.”

“I can come out next weekend if you need help on the house,” he added.

“You got time for that?”

He shrugged. “Define time.”

Graham was happily tied up with his new fiancée and parenting his teenage daughter who he’d been raising alone since she was a baby. Between that and leading our hotshot crew, he was beyond busy most of the time. He had come out a few times to help me with work on the house I was building.

A smile stretched across my face. “Good point. Whenever you have a little time, let me know. Now I feel like I need to get it ready faster.”

“I was kind of wondering about that. I don't know what will happen with you and Hallie, but you're gonna want space for the baby, whether it's for visits or full time,” Graham offered matter-of-factly.

At those words, my stomach plummeted as if I was falling from a great height. Holy shit. This was really happening.