Page 46 of Keep Me Close

“No, your parents are really nice. They seem easygoing like you said.”

I thought about what I told her father and the bulwark of baggage behind what it meant for me to be part of my child’s life. It was the right thing to do, to be there as a father for any child of mine. But for me, there was so much more to it than that.

“How about you come to Willow Brook next weekend? We can have dinner with my father, and hopefully, my sister can make it to town for the weekend.”

“Okay,” Hallie whispered.

She dusted a kiss on my shoulder, shifting slightly against me. Only seconds later, her breath evened out.

In my heart, I knew I was falling for Hallie, and I didn't know what to do about it. Even though I was the one who had said we might as well see where this takes us, I hadn't thought it through. I’d been acting on this hazy concept of trusting the chemistry.

I couldn't help but wonder what her father had meant about her traveling. I didn’t have a problem with that. I traveled plenty, but I was trying to read between the lines of her father’s comment and worried maybe Hallie didn’t want to settle down. I'd always told myself I would know if I met someone who shared any qualities with my mother. My mother had taken flighty to extremes, and she’d traveled frequently. She was flighty about what she wore. In a single hour before she went somewhere, she was constantly changing, and her moods shifted quicker than the wind during a storm.

I told myself I was creating things to worry about. I smoothed my hand through Hallie’s hair and told my doubts to shut the hell up.