Page 39 of Keep Me Close

“Life is never easy. That's one thing I know. Maybe it was a mistake to make the call I did, but you were coming along no matter what. She was also your mother, and that wasn’t going to change. I love youasmy son, not like a son. Youaremy son.”

My father thumped his fist against his chest, his eyes glistening as he held my gaze. He leaned across the table, uncurling his palm and clasping my shoulder. He squeezed firmly, his touch steadying me inside. “It’s gonna be okay. I am sorry that she lied, and I'm sorry that it hurt you. I wish I'd known sooner. Your bio dad sounds like a good man. We would have been friends.”

I took a shaky breath and nodded.

“I've held back out of respect for you, but don't turn away your family. Family is what you make it. I know that for a fact, whether it's blood or something else, the ties that bind are the ties that bind. The ties that we strengthen become stronger. They want to know you, so give them that chance.”

“Fuck, Dad. You're gonna make me cry in a fucking restaurant,” I muttered hoarsely.

He chuckled. “All right. Enough of the deep talk. Think about it, though. Your sister wants to be that bridge. You know her. She loves building bridges.”

“I know she does.”

“We can't change what happened, but you can change how you deal with it,” he said firmly.

I took another shaky breath. “I love you, Dad.”

“And I love you, son.”

I took a swallow of beer and gulped in air. I let it out slowly, and the tightness in my throat started to ease. I blinked back the tears just before Gracie arrived with our salmon burgers.

“Okay, guys, anything else?” she asked with a smile.

“Nope. We're all set.”

My dad was true to his word because he was that kind of man. We moved on from the deep talk and chatted about his guiding schedule for the summer.

When I got home that night, I pulled out my phone and tapped out a text to Hallie.

Me:Told my dad. He's really excited.

Hallie:Great! We haven't done our three things today. What are your three favorite fishing spots in Alaska?

Me:Is this a trick question?

Locals in Alaska could beseriouslyopinionated about fishing spots.

Hallie:No! I figure you’re informed because your dad’s a guide.

I grinned as I replied.

Me:Well, are we talking salmon or halibut? If salmon, are we talking rod fishing or dipnetting? The details matter, you know.