No, I still hated him, I quickly reminded myself.

“How many of them did you have sex with?” he demanded.

“That’s none of your business.” I cursed when my voice quivered, and I lifted my chin in an attempt to act stronger than I really was. But it was too late; he’d heard the truth without my actually having to answer.

Some of the tension eased from his tight shoulders. “So, none of them,” he said, a smile teasing at his lips.

“Shut up,” I whispered, shifting my gaze from him so he couldn’t see my embarrassment. Damn it, I should have fucked every guy I’d gone out with just so I could rub it in Nolan’s face. Show him that he wasn’t right about my heart being his. Make him see that I could move forward—even though I hadn’t been able to take so much as a step away from what we’d had.

With a gentle touch, he caught my chin between his thumb and index finger, holding my head still and forcing me to meet his gaze. “Don’t pout.” Lowering his head, he kissed the corner of my mouth. I closed my eyes, trying not to enjoy his lips on mine.

But the kiss barely lasted a few seconds before he lifted his head again. “Text the date. Tell him something came up and you can’t meet him after all. Then I want you to delete the dating app.”

“No.” My voice came out soft, making his eyes light up with amusement, because he knew—he fucking knew—that I would do exactly what he wanted.

“Yes,” he insisted, smirking down at me. “And then tonight, I’m going to come to your house and pick you up. We are going to have dinner and talk. And I mean really talk, Red. You’re the best negotiator I’ve ever seen. Well, negotiate with me for our future.” He brushed his lips over mine again. This one was a barely there caress of his mouth that made my heart flutter. “Please, Red.”