Tony and Jess were also on the dance floor, while Rhys and Jasper were hovering near the enormous birthday cake Tony’s Nonna had baked. Jasper was clearly dying to dive in, and she suspected it was only Rhys’s hovering presence that was managing to keep the adorable kid from running his finger through the thick icing to steal a taste.

The restaurant was overflowing with Morettis, who never passed up the opportunity to party. Penny had met everyone here many times over the years, as they’d always welcomed her and Rhys to their family celebrations.

When Keeley, Gianna, and Jess had asked Penny who she wanted to invite, her friends had been somewhat dismayed by how short Penny’s list was. That was when they’d decided to scale it up by including the huge Moretti family. At the time, Penny had been distressed by the prospect of being the center of attention at such a large party, but she had to admit, if not for David, she would be having a blast.

Toby and Rich were hanging out with Keeley’s brother, Kayden, and Aldo Moretti. She was happy her friends had come and pleased to see they genuinely seemed to be enjoying themselves. The reason the three of them had always been thick as thieves was because none of them were known for the social skills at parties. Of course, lately, all three of them seemed to be coming out of their shells, thanks to Gage.

The second she thought his name, she felt the same annoying, painful pressure on her chest return.

She pushed it away, determined to enjoy the party. Her friends had gone to a lot of trouble, and she wasn’t going to ruin it by succumbing to her broken heart. She’d save that pain for later…when she was home. Alone.

When the song ended, Liza’s brother, Bruno, was there to take Luca’s place. Penny glanced over to where Liza and Keeley stood, and Liza gave her a wink, letting her know they were both onboard for Operation Avoid David.

Penny smiled then laughed as Bruno grabbed her hands and started spinning her around old-school style to Billy Joel’s “It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me.” Gianna and her boyfriend, Sam, danced next to them, and all four got into a bit of an old-school dance-off.

An hour passed in a blur of music and laughter and dancing as Keeley ensured Penny’s dance card was filled. She’d shared dances with her dad, Tony, Rhys, Aldo, Kayden, and Oliver Collins, a Moretti cousin by marriage. She glanced across the room a few times and discovered David still sitting at the booth, scowling, despite the fact she’d seen quite a few people approach him and try to draw him into conversation. Liza had even invited him to dance, but he’d turned her down.

Finally, Keeley declared it was time to cut the cake. Penny fanned herself as she walked over to the cake table. Aunt Berta had lit the candles and everyone was singing. Penny thought she would hate this part, but looking around at so many wonderful people, all there for her, she just felt…blessed.

She’d approached this birthday feeling very much adrift, alone in the middle of the ocean. Surrounded now by family and friends, she couldn’t help but feel lucky and happy and hopeful.

“Blow out the candles,” Jasper yelled excitedly. “Don’t forget to make a wish!”

Penny closed her eyes for just a second and made her foolish wish before blowing out the candles. Aunt Berta and Nonna started cutting the cake, handing her the first piece. She turned and discovered David standing next to her.

“Hi,” she said, suddenly feeling guilty for leaving him alone for so long. It belatedly occurred to her that her lessons from Gage had been based on the assumption all her future dates would go well and she would want to seduce the man. They’d never covered how she got rid of the fish she wanted to toss back.

“Thought you’d forgotten about me.”

“I’m sorry, David. It’s just…it’s my birthday, and I have a lot of family and friends who want to celebrate with me.”

“Yeah. I can see that. Didn’t realize I would be sharing you with an entire roomful of people on this date.”

She wasn’t sure why hewouldn’tthink that.

“I told you it was my party. I thought it would be a great opportunity for you to meet people, since you’re new in town.” She’d said as much when she’d offered the damn invitation.

“You seem to be friends with a lot of men.”

What. The. Fuck?

Penny didn’t have a clue how to respond to that, and any guilt she’d felt over leaving him alone morphed into annoyance. After all, it wasn’t like he’d been trying to make friends. Toby and Rich didn’t know anyone here either, but they were at least putting themselves out there, meeting people and having fun. David had remained at their table as she danced, sulking about the fact she wasn’t giving him her undivided attention, even though she’d seen several people trying to engage him in conversation.

David shrugged, though she could tell he was annoyed at her lack of response. “I don’t think this is working out.”

“I think you’re right.”

“I’m going to call it a night. Think you can get a ride home?” he asked.

Penny nodded, relieved beyond words, even though she couldn’t help but think leaving her without a ride home from her own birthday party was a serious dick move. “Oh, yeah. I’m sure my brother or parents will drop me off.”

“Happy birthday,” he said stiffly. And that was when she realized the fucker hadn’t even bought her a card.


Mercifully, that was it. He didn’t try for a hug or a kiss or anything. He just turned around and left.

Penny blew out a long breath.