Tony wasn’t her brother, though in the past year or so, he’d begun to treat her as a cherished little sister. He’d even come out and admitted he thought of her that way. Told her that she was important to him, and not just because of the bond he shared with her brother. He’d promised he would always be there if she ever needed help.

It was a sweet conversation at the time, but now she was starting to understand that her “adopted Moretti” status didn’t just include support. It also came with that overprotectiveness Liza and Keeley had complained about at happy hour.

Regardless, Penny wasn’t about to get into a conversation about this right now. She’d take a few days and figure out an explanation. Hopefully.

“Please tell Aunt Berta thank you for the lasagna. I’ll return her dish in a few days.”

Tony looked like he wanted to say more. A lot more. But instead, he just nodded. “Give Jess a call tomorrow. I know she’d like to hear from you.”

Penny nodded, grateful that it sounded like Tony was going to hand the job of fifth degree over to Jess. Not that it would be any easier to explain this to her friend/future sister-in-law. She and Jess had gotten close, but they hadn’t shared all their secrets yet…like Penny’s virgin status, or the fact it had recently changed.

“Bye,” she said, relieved when Tony left without another word. She closed the door, locked it, then turned and leaned against the surface. “You couldn’t stay in the kitchen?”

“No. I couldn’t.” Gage didn’t look the least bit guilty, which piqued her temper. He should feel sorry. He’d just put her in an awkward position with her family.

“You couldn’t button up at least?” She pushed off the door and walked back to the kitchen, stomping by him to put the lasagna in the refrigerator.

“No. I couldn’t.” This time, his tone sounded less cocky, though still not contrite. For some reason, she thought he sounded confused. “What is Tony Moretti to you?”

“You know the answer to that. He’s my brother’s roommate, and they’re…well…they’re in a committed ménage. I guess that sort of makes me a sister-in-law-to-be.”

“And the other Morettis? Dotheythink of you as a sister?”

Penny tilted her head, uncertain what to make of his questions. “Why are you asking? Why does it matter?”

Gage ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Fuck, I don’t know. I just don’t like…” He let his words fall away but not before she saw it.


It was another one of those blink-and-you’d-miss-it looks. She could sure as hell learn a thing or two from Gage about shielding her emotions. Whatever he’d been feeling passed as his expression cleared.

Or so she’d thought.

Gage didn’t continue with his questions. Instead, he ripped her shirt off once more, as if the soft cotton was a personal affront, put there just to piss him off. This time, her bra, yoga pants, and panties joined it on the floor.

Once he had her naked, he took her hand, hastily leading her to the bedroom. He kicked the door shut then took her in his arms again, resuming the kisses they’d begun in the kitchen. His hands stroked up and down her back, the gentle caress in direct contrast to his rough claiming of her mouth.

“Penny,” he whispered as his fingers tangled in her hair. “Penny…”

Her name sounded like a prayer, and for a split second, the words “I love you” tried to escape. Mercifully, she managed to swallow them down.

Feeling it was bad enough, but admitting it to him would be much, much worse.

She unfastened his belt, slipping it free from the loops. Gage took it from her before she could drop it. He doubled the belt, slapping the leather against his thigh a few times, all while watching her reaction.

Penny had loved his spanking, loved the pain, the heat of the burn, the way it had made her feel reckless, wild.

A slight smile tugged at Gage’s lips, and he wrapped one firm arm around her waist, holding her against him as he lifted the belt and brought it down on her ass.

It stung for only a second. He hadn’t put any real strength behind the swing. If anything, it had been a test wrapped up in a question.

“You said you wanted me to spank you again,” he said.

“I did.”

He lifted the belt again, striking her harder. The sting lasted longer, burned hotter. Penny moaned.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he admitted.