
Penny took a moment to compose herself when she heard the knock on her door. After that interlude in Gage’s office this afternoon, she’d returned to her desk, where she’d spent the last two hours of work staring at her computer screen and accomplishing nothing.

Fortunately, neither Toby nor Rich seemed to have noticed her distraction, her complete lack of productivity. Thank God it was the weekend.

She’d steal this night with Gage, and then…Optimistic Penny hoped he’d ask for more time with her. But Realistic Penny could be proven correct once again when Gage walked away from her without a backward glance.

Come tomorrow, she would either be the happiest girl on the planet or halfway through a gallon of chocolate chip ice cream, crying her heart out.

The worst part was…she didn’t have a clue which outcome was looming. There were times when she thought Gage had feelings for her, when it seemed like perhaps the two of them were on the same page.

But there were just as many times when he’d refer to their time together as just payoff on their bet, or furthering her education, or he’d quite simply close down completely.

She’d started to ask him how his mother died, and he’d completely cut her off. He only gave her glimpses of his past, of his relationship with his parents and brothers, which warned her that she’d built this thing between them into something it wasn’t. He didn’t want to confide his deepest secrets in her because they weren’t a couple. Hell, up until a few months ago, they hadn’t even been friends.

Tonight was it. If she could just keep saying that to herself, maybe she could make herself believe it.

Taking a deep breath, she shook off her fears and opened the door.

“Hey,” she said, forcing a cheerful, not-worried, nothing-to-see-here smile. Then she added, “Oh, thank God. You just got a pizza. I was afraid you were going to make me cook again.”

Gage breezed by her, heading straight to the kitchen and shaking his head. “You know, you’re going to have to add ‘can cook’ to the list of attributes you have in mind for this future boyfriend of yours.”

Future boyfriend.

Yep. She made a mental note to add chocolate chip ice cream to her very short grocery list for the week. It would come right after wine, cat food, and Lucky Charms.

“Oh, believe me. It’s on there.” She followed him to the kitchen, her ovaries joining the “fluttery” party when Gage bent down to pick up Hermione, cradling her in his arms like a baby, rubbing her stomach while she purred loud enough to beat the band.

“How are you, sweet thing?” he murmured as he petted her.

Great, Penny thought.I’m now jealous of my cat.

Forrest meowed loudly while weaving his way around Gage’s ankles.

“I’m starting to think my cats like you more than me.”

Gage gave her a wink. “I’ve got a way with pussies.”

She groaned. “Set you up for that one, didn’t I?”

“Yep.” He put Hermione back down on the floor and flipped the lid on the pizza. “Got a large supreme, but remembered you picked the black olives off last time, so…” He did a voila gesture, and she realized he’d ordered the pizza without the olives.

For her.

And she hadn’t even mentioned them last time, just quietly picked them off.

And he’d noticed.

Unable to stop herself, she closed the distance between them, lifting up on tiptoe to give him a kiss on the cheek for being so thoughtful.

Gage accepted her quick kiss, but when she started to retreat, he wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a kiss that was a lot less sweet. Hell, it was practically pornographic. He pushed her against the counter more firmly, pressing their bodies together so that she could feel his erection against her stomach. Had he shown up in that state? Because damn, she loved the idea of that.

As they kissed, her fingers worked free the knot in his tie. He must have left his jacket in the car because he’d arrived without it. She slipped the tie free with one long, slow slide as Gage’s lips left hers, burning a path along the side of her face to her neck.

“You smell so good,” he murmured.

“Pina colada body wash,” she replied. She’d taken a shower when she’d first gotten home from work because she and Gage had worked up a bit of a sweat in his office this afternoon. After her “punishment sex,” they’d cuddled on his chair, making out until she’d found the strength to dress and return to her desk. Toby had given her a brief, curious look when she’d returned, thanks, no doubt, to the fact she was still flushed and sweaty.