“I don’t know what you mean.”

“You’re trying to tell me you didn’t send your resume to Kelly Corporation two weeks ago? After the makeover, after everything we’ve done?”

“No. I told you, Gage. I love working here. You said I could be co-captain of the e-sports team. I’m not even sure what Kelly Corporationdoes. I mean…I’ve heard of them, but…” She shrugged.

One look at Penny’s face, and he knew…whatever was going on with the resume and Kelly Corporation, she didn’t have a damn thing to do with it. She didn’t lie. It simply wasn’t in her.

“Then how…” Gage mused aloud. “How the hell did they get your resume?”

And then, a light went on.


“What?” Penny asked.

Gage didn’t reply as he started to put one plus one together.

Connie had been at Enigma, had seen him on the dance floor with Penny. She’d acted as if she hadn’t recognized her, but what if she had? Had she seen Gage intercept Penny at the door, seen the two of them leaving together? If Matt had been aware of the headhunters, of the Frost offer, then chances were good, Connie had caught wind as well. Had she decided to keep the offers coming in until Penny got one she couldn’t refuse?

“I’m firing Connie,” he muttered darkly.

Penny frowned. “From HR? You think she…” Penny shook her head. “Why the hell would she send my resume to another company?”

“She seems to have set her sights on me.”

“Oh,” Penny said. “I still don’t get it.”

“She saw us together at Enigma. And again last week in the elevator.”

“Yeah, but I’m…not…I…” Penny stopped talking, a sudden sadness flooding her face—and that was when Gage discovered another truth.

A worse truth.

However, before the weight of that realization crashed in, Penny threw him off-kilter.

“Wait. Was that a punishment fuck? You thought I was sneaking around behind your back looking for a job, so you brought me up here to punish me?”

Gage rubbed the back of his neck. That was exactly what he’d done. What the fuck was wrong with him? He’d thought she was trying to leave him, and he’d totally lost his shit. He owed her one hell of an apology. And even that might not be enough. He’d fucked her in anger, covered her mouth, taken away her ability to say her safe word.

“Listen, Penny—”

She interrupted him. “Don’t get me wrong. It was hot as fuck. The kind of sex that makes a girl want to be really, really naughty. You know what I mean?”

He groaned. She was literally going to be the death of him. She never responded the way he expected. Any other woman would be pissed as shit at him. But not Penny.

Instead, he could almost see the wheels in her brain turning as she tried to figure out how she could make him angry enough again to score an encore.

He chuckled, though the pressure on his chest was still there. “You don’t have to be bad. If you want me to spank your ass again, just ask.”


“You want me to spank you again tonight? Isn’t your ass already sore?”

She shrugged. “It’s tonight or never. Today’s the last day.”

Gage fought hard to school his expression. If he was a smart man, he’d tell her what they’d just done was the last lesson. He needed to walk away from this—from her—sooner rather than later.

Because it wasn’t just his heart that was engaged.