“Do you know how my father died?” Gage didn’t have a clue where that question had come from.

Penny shook her head.

“He had a heart attack. While fucking one in a long line of mistresses he’d acquired after my mother passed away.”

Penny didn’t reply as she digested that information. Then, all she said was, “Oh.”

Gage gave her a humorless grin that probably came off as vicious, given the way her eyes widened. “Don’t you want to make some comment about the fruit not falling far from the tree? Call me a chip off the old block? It’s nothing I haven’t heard before.”

Penny frowned. “I don’t think you’reanythinglike your dad.”

Gage couldn’t explain why those words felt like balm on a sunburn. He’d heard the dad comparison too many times from too many of his father’s colleagues and cronies. It was typically accompanied by a slap on the back and nudge-nudge-wink-wink kind of smile that said they admired his love ’em and leave ’em playboy lifestyle.

The first time he’d heard the comparison, he’d had to excuse himself to the restroom, so much bile clogging his throat, he’d thought he was going to be sick.

Gage’s feelings for his father growing up had been a blend of fear and grudging respect. After his mother’s death, those two things morphed into a deep-seated hatred that had only continued to grow and fester, regardless of the years that had passed.

Not because he blamed his father for her death. Gage knew where that blame lie.

No. It was because his father hadn’t mourned.

Two nights after her funeral, Dad had come home with another woman, introduced her to him and his brothers like it was just any other Tuesday night, then proceeded to take her upstairs to the bed he’d shared with Mom.

“Gage,” Penny said, and he was aware he’d let too many of his emotions show on his face. Then he recalled why he’d asked her to come up here. She was trying to leave…and it didn’t matter if it was the company or him, it was a betrayal that went bone deep.

“How did your mom—”

“Lock the door,” he demanded, refusing to let her ask that question. She didn’t have a right to that story. She’d gone behind his back, sent out her resume. Every syllable he spoke simmered with the rage he felt.

Penny stared at him for a full minute, like she was trying to decide if she’d be smarter to do as he said or run like the hounds of hell were nipping at her heels. If he weren’t in the middle of a Mt. Vesuvius-style eruption, he might have admired her sense of self-preservation.

As it was…

“Do as I say.”

Penny snicked the lock in place on the door, but she didn’t venture any farther into the room.

“Come here.”

“I’m not sure that’s a wise move. You’re in a weird mood.”

“You’re right. I am. That’s why it would be smart of you to do. As. I. Say.”

She walked to him slowly—too slowly. When she was within arm’s reach, he grabbed her, pulling her against him, kissing her hard…so hard, her lips were smashed against her teeth. He didn’t relent, didn’t stop his rough assault, aware his actions were likely to leave a bruise.

He half expected her to try to shove him away, but when had Penny ever done anything normal?

Nope. She gripped his hair and returned the kiss tenfold.

Gage was the one to break the union after a couple of minutes, taking one small step away, the two of them breathing rapidly.

He unfastened one side of the overalls, flipping the strap over her shoulder. Then he did the same with the other. The pants were baggy enough that without the support of the straps, they slid to the floor in a heap.

“Step out of them.”

She did as he asked, toeing off her Chucks as she did so. “Gage—” she started, but he shook his head.

“No more talking. There’s only one word you’re allowed to use and it’s your safe word. If you don’t want to say it, then you don’t speak.”