She expected Gage to give her one of his signature grins that always made her feel like a million bucks. She loved being able to make him smile, laugh. Not that he was a miserable guy, but it was just another way he made her feel special…cool, even.

But nope. Not this time.

If anything, Gage’s expression grew darker, even more forbidding. He reached around her and unhooked her bra, dropping it to the floor. She expected him to go back in for round two of “booby time,” but he didn’t even look down, his gaze locked on hers.

Then he reached lower, pushing her panties over her hips.

“Take them off,” he demanded.

She did as he asked, curiosity winning out over the sudden flutter of nerves this new, super-alpha Gage had ignited.

Penny stood in front of him, completely naked, in direct contrast to his fully dressed figure. She waited to see what he would do next, demand next.

She didn’t have to wait long.

“Go lay down on the bed. In the middle. On your back.”

She turned, doing exactly as he asked. His huge bed was so unbelievably comfortable, she groaned. Her mattress was ancient, a hand-me-down from her parents when she got her apartment. Maybe it was time to stop buying a bunch of silly crap on Amazon whenever she got bored or wanted mail—there was nothing like getting a package in the mail—and invest in a new mattress.

She considered that for a moment, wondering if now was a bad time to ask Gage where he’d bought his.

Yeah. Probably a bad time.

Penny felt the bed shift as Gage knelt next to her. Still wearing way too many clothes. Dammit.

He ran his knuckles along her cheek. “You disappeared for a second.”

She bit her lower lip, silently cursing herself. “It’s hard for me to shut down my brain sometimes,” she admitted.

“I’ve noticed. What were you thinking?”

Shit. She didn’t want to tell him. “I was wondering where you got your mattress.”

This time, Gage did break character, the stern alpha going soft as he flashed her one of his far-too-sexy grins. It was brief, but beautiful. And then, the Dominator—yeah, that worked—was back. She liked her new nickname for this version of Gage. Reminded her of the Terminator.

“Clearly, I’m going to have to work harder to shut down that active brain of yours.”

The devil in her wanted to tell him he was welcome to try, but she held her tongue. Primarily because—before she could lay down the challenge—Gage lifted one of her arms above her head, binding it to his headboard with some strap she hadn’t noticed before.

“Oh,” she breathed, tugging to test the tightness. It didn’t give. Not even a little.

Gage cupped her jaw. “Do you know what a safe word is?”

She nodded.

“Yours is stop, Penny. If I do something you don’t like or if you get scared, just tell me to stop and I will.”

She crinkled her nose.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“That a pretty boring safe word. What about ukulele instead?”

Gage shook his head, though there was definitely amusement lingering behind his brown eyes. “Fine. Ukuleleorstop will work.”

She considered that as he bound her other hand. They were tied directly above her head, side by side, rather than spread-eagle style.

She watched as he reached under one of the pillows and pulled out a blindfold. “What other magic tricks do you have hidden in this bed?”