
Penny had wanted to continue the conversation about his parents. There were a million more questions she had about his mom, his dad, about how they died. They’d both clearly passed away young, but the details surrounding their deaths weren’t something anyone at work discussed.

It was obvious Gage had adored his mother, loved her deeply, so it stood to reason he would have been devastated by her passing. Could she blame him for not wanting to talk about it? She’d be gutted when her parents died, absolutely gutted, so she’d let the subject drop.

And ordinarily, she’d be all in on gaming, but she wasn’t interested in playing tonight.

Tomorrow officially marked the end of the lessons.

The self-flagellation part of her was hoping Gage would want to drop the tutor title and pick up the boyfriend one. It was a dream, and an unlikely one at that, but Penny was nothing if not a wishful thinker.

She’d never been in love before, but there was no denying that was what this was. Gage had warned her not to fall in love with him, and she’d lied, promised she wouldn’t. Even though that wasn’t something a person could control.

Heartbreak was inevitable at this point, so she might as well ride this train all the way into the station. Gage had taught her about flirting and seduction and sex—and while he didn’t realize it, he was also teaching her about the pain associated with unrequited love.

“Bedroom, huh?” he said, reaching his hand out to hers. She took it, rising from the kitchen table. Gage started to lead her out of the kitchen, but she resisted.

“Shouldn’t we clean up the dishes?”

Gage shook his head. “No. I want you naked. In my bed. Right now.”


“And, Penny?”


“I have serious plans for you tonight.”

She’d never heard anything more sensually threatening in her life.

Gage led her back upstairs to his bedroom, neither of them saying a word. Their hasty pace basically said it all. They were anxious for the rest of the night—the best of the night—to begin.

As they entered his room, Gage stopped just over the threshold, gently pushing her forward. She turned to face him.


One word. Inthatvoice.

Penny instantly bent down to untie the laces before she toed off her Chucks. She’d toyed with the idea of trying the heels again—God knew they went with the outfit better—but the idea of wobbling on those torture devices on the El felt beyond her abilities. Besides, the only part of her outfit Gage had complimented tonight had been the shoes, so she was glad she’d chosen comfort over fashion.

She reached down, hopping on one foot—an awkward process, given her tight skirt—to draw off her socks. She caught a lightning-flash grin on Gage’s face when he saw her brightly colored socks covered with frolicking kittens. She hadn’t been too discerning about sock choice since they were completely hidden in the high-top sneakers.

Gage reached out to stop her after she’d pulled off the socks. He gripped her upper arms, drawing her attention.

“Sexy, Penny.”

She recalled him saying those same words on the dance floor. Sexy, not silly. Now, like then, it was easier said than done. Because attempting to be sexy felt silly to her, like she was a little girl trying on her mom’s bra and filling it with tissues.

Her expression must have given away her feelings, because Gage didn’t release her.

“There’s something you need to figure out, Penny. Something you need to understand and feel all the way down to the depths of your soul.”

“What’s that?” she whispered.

“You are beautiful…soincrediblybeautiful.”

“Gage,” she started, blinking a couple times to bat back some pesky tears.