“I like it.”

Penny studied his face, searching for the slightest indication of insincerity. Either Gage had one hell of a poker face, or he really meant what he said.

“Guess Moretti’s annoyed by my presence.” Gage looked a little too pleased by that idea.

“Not sure he noticed you were here,” she lied, feeling the need to defend Tony, since he was practically family now.

“Mmmhmm,” Gage hummed as he reached out to tug on her braid. “Liars go to hell.”

“So do shameless playboys, so I guess I’ll see you there.”

He chuckled. “Followed you here to ask if D&D is at Rich’s apartment again or if we’re moving it back to Toby’s. Knew it would piss Moretti off if I approached your table, which was tempting, believe me. But it looks like you and Jess are having a good time, so I opted to keep the peace.”

“Very mature of you. D&D is at Rich’s place again. Toby’s is still a wreck.” Toby had gone home last week to soggy carpet due to an overflowing bathtub in the apartment above his. He’d been crashing at Rich’s place while the landlord made the repairs.

“Great. Then I guess—”

The bathroom door opened. “Penny. I can’t get my pants buttoned,” Jasper said.

“No worries. I got you.” She knelt before him, quickly slipping the button into place. “Did you wash your hands?”

He shook his head. “No. I was frustrated.”

“Aw. I bet.” She grinned at his very adult word as she pointed into the bathroom, toward the sink. “With soap, please.”

“Okay.” Jasper returned to the bathroom, the door closing behind him.

“Smart kid,” Gage observed.

“So smart,” she said. “I’m crazy about him.”

“You’d be a cool mom, Beaumont, with your madMario Kartskills. Ever consider it?”

She’d done way more than merely consider it. Penny dreamed of the day she’d start a family of her own.

No. Dreamed was too weak a word. She longed for it,yearnedfor it.

Of course, before that happened, she had to find a guy, lose her virginity, convince said guy to marry her…

She was twenty-eight years and eleven months old, and managing just step one of that process felt impossible. Find a guy?

Yeah right.

“Someday, maybe,” she said, fighting hard to keep the sadness from her tone.

Jasper reemerged, holding his hands up for her inspection. “All clean.”

“Excellent job, Jasper.” Then she jerked her head toward Gage. “Say goodbye to my boss, Gage.”

“Bye, Gage.”

Gage smiled at Jasper. “Good night, Jasper.”

The three of them reentered the main room of the restaurant, Gage returning to his date, while she and Jasper trudged back to their own table.

“How do you feel about some dessert?” Rhys asked them when they reclaimed their seats.

“Yes, please,” Jasper said loudly.