She squinted up at him with one eye.

“You’re no quitter,” he said, dangling that challenge in front of her again. How the hell did this man get her so completely?


He kissed her again, one of the short, sweet varieties, before saying, “That’s my girl.”

He tightened his grip on her legs, leaned forward, and then he showed her just how much of a quitter she wasnotas he powered into her.

His fingers found her clit after a few moments, and now—like always—it triggered the bomb. This time, mercifully, Gage exploded as well.

Her gaze remained on his face as he came. She loved to watch it, loved to see how much being with her impacted him. It was the biggest ego boost in the world—the thought that she could put that pleasure/pain look on Gage Russo’s face.

He hovered above her for just a moment or two before dropping to the mattress next to her.

She typically lay there beside him for a few minutes, but now that the fireworks had passed, she was ready to put the toy back in the box under her bed. She started to sit up, intent on going to the bathroom, but Gage stopped her with a hand on her upper arm.

“Lay back down. I’ll do it.”

“That’s okay,” she said.

Gage—the strong bastard—pushed her to her back, holding her down with his hand around the base of her neck. The touch sparked fresh arousal despite the fact she was more than sated, but she pushed it away.

“I put the plug in. I take it out.”

“Is that some sort of moral code you live by?” she joked.

“Always. Now be still.”

Gage tugged the toy free slowly, watching her face as he did so, obviously catching every slight wince or expression of “God, that feels good.”

“This should be embarrassing,” she mused quietly.

Gage shook his head as he pulled the toy completely free, dropping it to the floor by the bed. “Nothing we do is embarrassing, Penny. It’s natural, easy, fun. We fit…in bed.”

She wasn’t sure if she heard or imagined the pause after fit.

She was her own worst enemy, and this was going to end badly for her. If only she had more experience with casual affairs. Or you know,anyexperience.

But she didn’t. So Gage wasn’t only going to be her tutor in the ways of sex and seduction, he was also going to teach her what a broken heart felt like.

A fact that was driven home when he pushed himself off the bed and reached for his clothes.

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him to stay.

But the words didn’t come. She couldn’t let them. She might not be able to stop the inevitable fallout, but she had to at least try to mitigate the disaster.

He bent over the bed to give her a quick goodbye kiss, just as he’d done the past few nights.

“I’ll see myself out. You stay there. You look cozy…and well fucked.” He tucked her in, brushed a strand of hair off her face, and then he was gone.
