She did as he asked, anxious to get down to the good stuff. Any shyness she’d felt around him initially was long gone. They’d spent more time together naked than dressed over the past few days.

Once they were bare, she started to climb back on the bed, but he stopped her, gripping her upper arm.

“Get your butt plug. And lube.”

Penny’s heart skipped several beats. He’d mentioned claiming every drop of her virginity, but so far, anal play hadn’t made an appearance.

She bent down to pull her box of toys out from under the bed. She grabbed what he asked for, tossing them on the mattress.

She could feel the weight of his gaze on her, just as she could feel the heat creeping to her face. No doubt she was as red as a beet at the moment.

“You look nervous.”

She shook her head but still didn’t establish eye contact.

“Look at me, Penny.”

She sighed, but he wasn’t inclined to wait for her to comply. He cupped her chin and pulled her face up. “Youhaveplayed with the plug before, haven’t you?”

She nodded.

“And you enjoyed it?”

She’d loved it. Rather than admit that aloud, she merely nodded again.

“Then why are you nervous?”

Penny considered lying but realized that would only hurt her in the long run. “You’re a hell of a lot bigger than that plug, and believe me, just taking that in was a challenge.”

He reached out and pulled her into his embrace and she rested her head on his chest. “Tonight, we’re just going to play with the plug.”

She lifted her head. “But you said—”

“I know what I said. But if that scares you, then it’s off the table. These lessons are for you, remember?”

She considered that, hating the way he continued to refer to what they were doing as lessons, even though there was no denying that’s exactly what they were.

Because at the end of every “lesson,” he got dressed and left, never once spending the night again. No more near misses like the first time, when he fell asleep with her initially, only to cut and run in the middle of the night.

At least he’d honored her request by not offering her lame excuses or lies.


Instead, they’d lay together for a few minutes, catch their breath, and then he’d offer the dreaded, “I should head home” line. That was it. And because she was her, she always said, “Okay. Good night,” as she walked him to the door without requesting more.

Longing for more from Gage was a one-way ticket to Broken Heartsville.

“Okay,” she said stupidly, aware he was waiting for an answer. She was drifting back into that bad habit of getting lost in her own head.

He studied her face a moment longer, looking at her in that way that sometimes had her worrying that he could read her mind. Could he tell she was catching feelings for him? Had she somehow let the mask slip?

Her concerns eased when he said, “Get on the bed. Hands and knees.”

She quickly assumed the position because it meant he couldn’t see her face, couldn’t see her struggle to keep her emotions out of what was happening between them.

Gage ran his hand over her bare butt cheek then playfully smacked it. She wiggled her ass, encouraging him to do more. He accepted the dare, smacking her again, harder. She’d never considered herself the type of person to get turned on by a spanking, but she couldn’t deny she liked the heat and the…well…the psychology behind it.

It made her feel naughty and wicked and wanton—all sexy words for a very awkward girl. She liked it.