Penny remained on his lap, even as his dick began to soften, falling forward and resting her head on his shoulder, the two of them struggling to catch their breath.

He’d bought himself another week. Seven days.

He did the mental calculations. That gave him one hundred and sixty-eight hours to take Penny in all the ways he wanted.

One hundred and sixty-eight hours.

It was a big number.

It also wasn’t going to be enough.

They remained there, locked together for several minutes. Penny was the first to stir.

She lifted her head and gave him one of her adorable after-sex smiles. Then she stood up gingerly, her muscles clearly stiff after that workout.

He helped her put her pants back on then refastened himself. They looked ruffled and Penny’s cheeks were flushed. He ran his hands through his hair in attempt to straighten it, then he did the same for her, finger-combing her long blonde locks.

Yeah, that didn’t help. It still looked like they’d just had sex.

His only consolation was the fact it was late, and most folks had probably cleared out by now.

“Want to grab a burger together before we head over to Toby’s?” he asked. She’d offered to skip D&D, but the game wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without her. Plus, it was her night to be Dungeon Master, and she was abrilliantDungeon Master.

She blushed. “I think I should probably run home, grab a quick shower.”

“That’s an even better idea. We’ll swing through a drive-thru then shower at your place before the game.”

“You want to take a shower with me?”

He nodded. He loved being her first in all things.

“Okay,” she said cheerfully. “But Toby will be pissed if we’re late.”

“Start working on your apology, because we’re definitely going to be late,” he assured her. “Come on. You can text him while I drive.”

They left the gaming room, walking toward the elevator together. Gage was pleased that they’d dodged a bullet, the corridor empty of employees.

Of course, the moment he sent that thought out into the universe, karma decided to kick back.

Like an idiot, he placed his arm around her back, tugging her toward him playfully as they waited for the elevator.

The doors slid open at that very moment. With one occupant inside.


Gage quickly released Penny, but the damage was done.

“Hey,” Penny said, as they entered the elevator.

“Hello,” Connie said. “You’re both working late.”

While Penny’s smile was genuine, Connie’s resembled that of a shark circling a baby on a life raft.

“The boss is a slave driver,” Penny joked, completely oblivious to the underlying tension.

Connie laughed, but the sound couldn’t be described as anything less than forced.

It was a quick ride to the first floor, where Connie disembarked. He and Penny were headed to the garage below the building, where his car was parked.

Connie glanced over her shoulder at them, and Penny waved goodbye just before the doors closed. Gage was starting to understand Penny’s issues with teasing in school. The woman didn’t have a malevolent bone in her body—except for when she went all Trevor Phillips on someone’s ass inGrand Theft Auto—so she didn’t seem to recognize it in others.

Connie had been fine since their chat at Enigma, so he was probably just buying trouble. Or at least he hoped so.

Once they were alone in the elevator, Gage stole a quick kiss, putting the other woman out of his mind. “Ready for this week?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “So ready.”

Game on.