She frowned again. “Why not? I mean, he seems like an easy place to start. Jess keeps telling me I should go out with Gio but—”

“Moretti?” Gage threw his hands in the air. “Put that idea out of your mind. You’re too sweet. That guy would chew you up and spit you out.”

Penny scoffed. “No, he wouldn’t. I know your family has some Hatfield and McCoy thing going with the Morettis, but Gio is really nice. All those guys are.”

“Stay away from the Morettis, Penny.”

“No,” she said, her temper piqued.

“No?!” he all but shouted at her.

“No. What the hell was this whole makeover thing about if I don’t actually get out there and try to find a guy?”

Gage ran his hands through his hair, frustration rife in his expression. He turned away from her, walking over to the window to look down on the city.

The silence lingered, but neither one of them sought to end it. Penny was trying to calm down, trying to figure out which part of what she’d said had upset him so much. It was obvious he considered the bet paid in full, so why should it matter to himwhoshe tried to date?

“New wager,” he said after a few minutes.


“I want a new bet.”

“What are the terms?”

“If you win, I’ll give you one more week of lessons. Sex lessons. But that’s it. No changing the terms of the bet or addingimpliedthings when the week is over. Oh—and I decide what the sex lessons are.”

Of all the things she’d expected him to say, that wasn’t even on the list.

So she didn’t have a clue how to reply. Because what he was offering was dangerous. Too dangerous.

If she agreed, her desire for Gage’s love would only grow stronger.

She was a fool. An optimistic fool.

But it didn’t matter. Because she knew she was taking the bet.

“And if you win?” Penny quietly asked.

Gage cursed himself.

He was a fool. A jealous fool.

Regardless, he pushed on.

“You sign that seven-year contract to continue working here.” Then, because he was a stupid prick, he added, “And you stay the hell away from Gio Moretti.”

“What’s the game?” she asked.

He pointed to his computer. “That one. The one I’m testing. It’s an RPG. Pretty challenging.”

“You have an unfair advantage. You’ve played it. I haven’t.”

“I only just opened the file a few minutes before you walked in here. We’ll take half an hour to familiarize ourselves with it and then we’ll start the contest. Person who reaches the highest level before getting killed wins.”

“You really just opened it?”

He nodded. “I swear. So is it a bet?”