He watched her for several minutes, too many thoughts warring for supremacy in his fucked-up brain.

Only one yelled loud enough to be heard over the din. The one that told him he had to get the hell out of there. Right now.

Gage rose slowly from the bed, dressing quietly, keeping his gaze resolutely away from the bed. He couldn’t look at her without wanting to climb back in, without pulling her body beneath his and taking her again and again, until both of them were shaky, boneless masses.

Picking up his shoes, he left her bedroom, drifting down the hallway to the living room. There, he put his shoes on and retrieved his jacket.

He glanced down when he felt Forrest rubbing around his ankles. Bending, he petted the cat.

“Take care of our girl,” he instructed the furry beast, who merely purred in response.

Gage took one last look around, steeled his resolve, and then left.