
Gage opened his eyes, blinking in the dark, unfamiliar room. It took him a few moments to figure out where the hell he was. And when he did…he grinned.

Lying on his side, he looked down to discover that instead of spooning Penny, he was curled up with Forrest, who was purring contently against Gage’s chest. Penny was equally flanked, both girl cats snuggled next to her, the three females all sharing the same pillow in a way that was pretty fucking adorable. Only Harry appeared to be missing, and Gage wondered if perhaps he’d stolen the big-ass cat’s spot.

Gage lifted himself up, resting his weight on his elbow, fighting like the devil to figure out how in the name of God he’d ended up in Penny Beaumont’s bed.

More than that, he was struggling to believe how much he liked being there.

Forrest lifted his head, clearly disturbed by Gage’s movements. He rose, did that arched-back cat stretch, then hopped off the bed.

One down, two to go.

He’d woken up with a hard-on, one he should ignore. After all, he’d just taken Penny’s virginity a few hours earlier.

It didn’t matter. He was drawn to her like the tide to the moon.

He wanted her again, needed her.

Which was an uncomfortable realization that he flat-out refused to think about.

As he inched closer, Luna gave him the once-over, then, like Forrest, she gave way, leaving the bed. Hermione must have thought she was missing some midnight cat party, because she jumped off the bed as well to follow the other two.

Penny, still asleep, turned over, facing away from him. Her back was bare, the sheet pooling around her waist. He slowly tugged it down until he was treated to a sneak peek of her curvy, perfectly rounded ass.

Reaching for her, he wrapped his arm around her, resuming the position he’d claimed when they’d first fallen asleep.

Penny stirred a little but settled quickly, still lost in the throes of sleep.

Gage lay there for several minutes, just listening to her breathing.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

He had no business being here. It was one thing to teach Penny about sex. If he really tried, he could probably convince himself he was just fulfilling the terms of the wager. He could call himself a mentor, feel justified in providing an inexperienced woman tutoring in the ways of sex.

That’s what heshouldbe doing. Putting this into context. Making it fit his well-ordered lifestyle.


He hadn’t spent the night in a woman’s bed since he was twenty-one. Not since the year his entire life crumbled to the ground.

The year he’d lost…everything. Including himself.

He closed his eyes, tried to shut it down, lock it out. For over a decade, he’d managed to hold it all at bay by simply sealing the vault and walking away.

Penny shifted in her sleep, snuggling closer, as if unconsciously seeking his body heat to keep her warm. The intimacy meant his hard cock wasthis closeto being nestled between the cheeks of her ass.

Slowly, gently, he inched his lower body away, so that he could angle his dick downwards, sliding it into the valley between her legs, burying it between her folds.

It wouldn’t take more than one quick change in position, bending her forward, to allow him to slip his cock back inside her liquid heat.

Penny didn’t stir, and he couldn’t stop himself from grinning.

He’d worn his girl out.

