
Penny stepped across the threshold to her bedroom, waiting for those damn fluttering nerves, a panic attack, anything to kick in.

But for the first time…there was no hesitation standing in her way.

She felt confident, happy, excited.

She was exactly where she wanted to be.

Then she looked at Gage and thought for a second, she saw a glimmer of resistance…reticence?

If so, the master of controlling his emotions shut it down quickly, because one moment, she was looking at him and the next, Gage had twisted her away from him, his fingers slowly lowering the zipper of her dress.

Her head tilted to the left when Gage’s lips landed on the side of her neck, his soft kisses hot, wet.

Then he slid the dress over her shoulders, letting it fall to a heap at her feet.

“I don’t sleep with virgins,” he whispered in her ear.

For a moment, she panicked, thought he was going to back out. Dear God, she’d spontaneously combust if he left her alone now.

“Gage—” she started, trying to turn around to stop him if he tried to leave.

“Shhh,” he cut her off. “I don’t sleep with them because my desires, my needs, run too dark, too strong for an innocent woman to handle.”

“I can handle it,” she insisted. She might be inexperienced, but she wasn’t young and she wasn’t naïve. Her porn preferences included bondage and spanking and capture. When she played with her toys, it was never gentle and easy, her fantasies always starring one of the dark heroes from the erotic mafia or motorcycle club romances she was addicted to. She was a sucker for the dirty-talking bad boy in those books, the more dominant the better.

Gage turned her back around so that she faced him. His eyes slid to her breasts, in obvious hunger, before he captured her gaze and held it. “I hope you can. Because I can’t give you easy.”

She didn’t look away, didn’t falter when she said, “I don’t want easy. Actually, I would hate that.”

“Show me your toys.”

She frowned. “What?”

“You said your hymen’s gone. Said you have a vibrator and a dildo. Is that all you have?”

Heat suffused her cheeks as she debated whether to answer that question with the truth. Gage took the decision away from her.

“Don’t lie to me. I’ll know. And I’ll punish you for it.”

Holy Mother of Mary. That deep, sexy voice was back.

“I have…others.”

Gage’s lips quirked. “I see. What?”

She bit her lower lip, unable to answer.

“So you can play with them, but you can’t tell me what they are?”

It was a dare. It hadn’t taken Gage long to figure out she was helpless to resist a challenge.

“I also have a butt plug and…well…I don’t know what the official name of it is, but I have one I call my clit tickler.”

Gage didn’t smile, didn’t comment. Instead, he gripped the back of her neck and yanked her forward roughly, kissing her until she was light-headed from the lack of air. Then she felt his hands wrap around her and, once again, her bra was unfastened in record speed.

“I can’t getmyselfout of my bra as quickly as you can,” she teased, falling back on the humor they shared, unfamiliar with this too serious, too intense Gage.