She reached for her phone, frowning when she saw two missed calls from Jess.

“It was Jess. She wouldn’t call twice in a row unless—” Before Penny could finish her comment, the phone started ringing again. This time, she answered. “Jess?”

“Hey, Penny. I’m so sorry to call like this, but I need a favor. Were you in the shower or something?”

“No. I, um, had my headphones on. Didn’t hear the phone,” she lied.

She could hear the grin in Jess’s voice. “Thought that was probably it. That’s why I kept trying. I know how you are when you get in the zone.”

“What’s going on?”

“Aunt Berta fell down the steps a few minutes ago when she was going back to her apartment.”

“Oh my God! Is she okay?”

Gage frowned and leaned closer.

“She’s fine…mostly. Her wrist is quite swollen. Rhys was on call at the hospital tonight, so we contacted him right away. He wants me to bring her in for X-rays. Tony is driving back from Pittsburgh as we speak—he had a late meeting—but he’s still a couple hours away. He said he’ll meet us at the hospital if we’re still there.

“I was wondering if you could come watch Jasper while I drive her to the ER. I’d just put him to bed when she fell. I would wake him up, but it’s a school night and I have no idea how long this is going to take. I hate to ask you, but Aunt Berta expressly forbid me from telling anyone in the family that she fell. Said she doesn’t want anyone making a fuss.”

“That sounds like Aunt Berta. Of course I’ll watch him.” Penny loved Jasper and Aunt Berta and Jess, but damn if this wasn’t the worst timing ever.

Or maybe the best.

Her insides were still quivering, but she couldn’t figure out if all that internal shaking was based on desire or anxiety. Maybe she was smarter to walk away from this tonight, so she could regroup, gather her wits, and find some way to do this with Gage without looking like a complete idiot. She’d mastered the dancing after a bit of practice, so she was certain she could crack the code on this as well.

She looked over at Gage apologetically. He winked at her, having heard enough to figure out their sexy fun time was over. Maybe he was glad for the reprieve, the chance to escape relatively unscathed.

Or…oh my God.

Maybe this was her one and only chance with him, and she’d just royally fucked it up.

Too many maybes.

She really needed to find a way to shut her brain down at times like this.

He stood up and put his shirt back on, tucking his tie in the pocket of his suit jacket, which he draped over his arm. There should be a law against covering up a chest like his. She’d write her congressman in the morning to suggest drafting a bill.

“I can be there in about twenty minutes,” she choked out, recalling Jess was still on the other end of the phone.

“Perfect. Thanks again, Penny.”

Penny hung up and stood. “Sorry. Aunt Berta fell. Jess needs someone to watch Jasper.”

“I figured that out.” Gage reached for her, pulling her toward him with his hands on her waist. He stole a quick, hard kiss. “Friday night.”


“Friday night is the next lesson. We’re going to go on a practice date—dinner, drinks, and what comes after. Beginning to end.”

“Beginning to end?”

Gage nodded. “Yeah. You sure this is still what you want?”

Dammit. He was too astute. He’d obviously recognized her nervousness for what it was.

“Yes,” she said without hesitation, suddenly realizing it was the truth. Nerves be damned. She wanted to sleep with Gage Russo and—halle-fucking-lujah—he still wanted to be with her too.

She walked him to the door, surprised when he pulled her back into his arms to steal yet another kiss.

“Sweet dreams, Penny.”

She closed the door behind him, leaning on it.

Sweet dreams indeed.