Then she felt her bra loosen, and she realized he’d unhooked it in one well-practiced playboy move.

She would have made a joke about it, but she was struggling to catch her breath, to keep up. Every nerve ending in her body was flashing as bright as sparklers on the Fourth of July.

One second her bra was there, the next it was gone.

Then Gage was there again, but there was nothing between his mouth and her nipple.

“God!” she cried, gripping his hair tighter. Too tight.

Gage winced, releasing her nipple with a soft pop so he could gently pry her fingers loose. “Easy there, tiger. I’m too vain to be bald.”

“Gage,” she whispered, intent on apologizing. Before she could offer it, he lifted her off his lap, twisting until her back landed on the couch, Gage above her.

“Oh,” she breathed, her heart racing. With arousal…and nerves.

This was going so fast. And while she wanted this more than she wanted her next breath…it was…it was goingsofast. She was struggling to keep up.

Her breathing was ragged, and for a moment, she wondered if she was having a panic attack.

“Penny. Look at me.”

Until he spoke, she didn’t realize her gaze had been firmly locked on his left shoulder.

She lifted her eyes, and her breath came to a full stop. She’d waited a lifetime for this, to lay beneath a man who looked at her like Gage was looking at her right now.



She was lying under her gorgeous, totally out-of-her-league boss.

How did I get here?

What do I do next?

Her phone rang, the sound of Flight of The Conchords’ “Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros” coming through loud and clear. Penny jerked upright at the unexpected sound, her nerves getting the better of her, and her forehead collided with Gage’s, the impact hard and painful enough that she saw stars.

“Shit!Fuck,” she cried out, grabbing her head. “Dammit, that hurt.”

Gage rubbed his own forehead, his eyes closed for a second, as if he was trying to shake off his own pain.

She’d hurt him. Again.

Then—dammit—he pushed himself off her, reclaiming the other side of the couch.

The phone stopped ringing—actually, it stopped singing “I’m the hiphopopotamus. My lyrics are bottomless”—as she lay there, feeling stupid. So far, she’d managed to nearly knock out his teeth, rip out a couple handfuls of hair, and give him a minor concussion.

Soooo…this was going well.

“Didn’t realize making out with you was going to be a full-contact sport,” he joked. “I might have to consider taking up taekwondo.”

She sat up and reached for her shirt, suddenly feeling exposed. She pulled it on quickly.

Gage narrowed his eyes as if upset with her for covering up. Surely, he didn’t want to continue? Hadn’t she just proven she was as much a disaster sexually as she’d been on the dance floor?

Her phone rang again. And once again, she ignored it, staring at Gage and feeling so fucking awkward.

“Sounds like someone’s trying hard to get in touch with you,” he said, once it stopped ringing. “Maybe you should check who it is.”