“Gage. He was at the club,” Penny said.

“So was his brother, Matt,” Liza chimed in. “He and Gage were sitting together when we were all on the dance floor, watching us. I swear to God, Matt Russo must be the most miserable man on the planet. The dude never smiles.”

Penny was surprised by Liza’s comment. She hadn’t realized Gage was there until he’d approached them, and she hadn’t seen Matt at all.

“Matt doesn’t really strike me as the clubbing type,” Keeley added.

“Me either, though it’s not really surprising that he and Gage would be there. Since Conor owns it,” Jess said.

Liza nodded. “Maybe that explains why Matt was watching me so closely. Probably making sure there was no Moretti threat.”

“He was watching you?” Gianna asked.

“Yeah. It felt a little bit like a schoolyard stare-down for a minute or two. I thought he’d look away when I made it clear I saw him watching, but he didn’t blink, just held my gaze. It was…” Liza shrugged and dropped the subject. “Anyway, how goes the job search, Keeley?”

After that, the conversation drifted away from the Russos and on to work things. Penny sort of mentally checked out, though she was careful to listen just enough to nod at the appropriate times. And even though she sucked at small talk, she was still disappointed when they asked for the bill. Unlike the other women—who all had plans for the evening—Penny was going home alone, with nothing more exciting on her schedule than her annual re-watch of the entireBonesseries.

She walked out of the bar and waved as her friends left. Standing on the sidewalk, Penny fought back a wave of melancholy. She’d felt lonely for months, but it was stronger tonight, more potent, painful.

Shaking it off as best she could, she headed toward her apartment. The bar the girls had chosen for happy hour wasn’t far from her place, so Penny had opted to walk.

She passed several restaurants, the area starting to come alive with people out and about, ready to kick off their weekend in style. She debated stopping at the Greek place to order takeout for dinner, but as she glanced through the front window, she spotted Gage inside.

He was sitting with a gorgeous brunette, laughing and talking and giving her that charming smile that Penny saw every time she closed her eyes.

She stared for several minutes, trying not to fall apart, wishing she wasn’t suddenly awash in…agony.

Seeing him with another woman hurt.

It hurt bad.

She was the world’s biggest idiot.

Gage lost a bet.

Gage wasn’t interested in her.

Gage was just a friend.

He wasn’t her boyfriend, and he could date whomever he wanted.

The problem was, he was charming, sexy, and funny, and he’d kissed her like she mattered, like she was as vital to his life as air.

More than that, he told her she was beautiful—and made her believe it.

It had gotten into her head, made her long for something she couldn’t have. Worst of all, she was looking at her loneliness from a different perspective because she now knew exactly what she was missing out on. Things like companionship, fun, someone to eat with, talk to, kiss good night.

She sniffled, wondering for the millionth time in her life what was wrong with her?

Why nother?

Turning, she continued toward home, thoughts of grabbing dinner gone.

Fuck it, she thought miserably, exhaustion setting in.

Fuck it all.

* * *