Matt, to his surprise, nodded and sat. A waitress stopped by to take his order, and Matt asked for the same thing Gage was having. “Drinking alone, or are you meeting someone later?”

“I’m alone.”

That confession appeared to shock his brother as much as Matt’s willingness to hang out surprised him. It had been far too long since the two of them had gone out for a drink that wasn’t tied to some business deal or meeting.

Perhaps it was time one of them extended an olive branch. After listening to Penny affectionately mention her brother several times this week, he’d found himself longing for…family.

“Any plans tomorrow?” Gage asked, tempted to invite his brother over to watch the golf match on TV.

“I’m going into the office to catch up on some paperwork. Did you manage to take care of the Penny Beaumont issue?” Matt asked.

So much for that idea. Matt had a one-track mind. All business.

“We’re renegotiating her contract next month during her annual review. She was being headhunted, not looking to leave the company.”

“Fucking headhunters,” Matt muttered, as the waitress delivered his drink. They drank in silence—not awkward but not exactly companionable either.

Gage’s gaze drifted back to the dance floor, and he grinned before he could school his features.

“Something amusing?” Matt asked, following his gaze.

“Just taking in the show.” He gestured toward the dance floor. Matt had been out of town this week on business, only returning home late this afternoon. As such, Gage knew for a fact his brother hadn’t seen the new Penny, and he was curious to hear what Matt thought.

“Just a bunch of people bumping and grinding,” Matt said, starting to turn away. Gage could tell the moment his brother spotted her. “Is that…?”


Matt studied her for a moment. “She looks…”

“Beautiful,” Gage supplied, when his brother failed to fill in the blank.

“Yes. But…what the hell is she doing?”

Gage couldn’t help it. He laughed. The aghast tone of Matt’s voice perfectly matched Gage’s initial response when he saw Penny dancing.

“If I had to venture a guess, I’d say she was working her way through all theFortnitedances.”

“Jesus,” Matt murmured, his gaze locked on their IT girl. “I can’t decide if it’s a train wreck or not. She’s really good. It’s just so…much.”

Penny had entertained him with her wicked flossing moves and disco fever. She’d also ridden the pony, and she was currently doing one hell of an awesome robot. Her girlfriends weren’t helping much, laughing, cheering her on, and attempting to follow her lead.

They were having a hell of a lot of fun, though none of their moves were sexy, and none of the men he’d anticipated bumping and grinding their way into the circle of attractive women had appeared. Probably because, despite the silliness, Penny was an intimidatingly good dancer. And also flailing around so much, no one was willing to risk her putting their eye out.

The song ended, and the three women started to leave the dance floor, intent on heading to the bar for a drink.

Gage stood up quickly.

“What are you doing?” Matt asked.

“Asking Beaumont to dance.”

His brother narrowed his eyes. “You promised no more workplace affairs.”

“This isn’t an affair. I lost a bet.”

Matt scowled. “What the hell does that mean?”

Gage grinned, not bothering to explain. He intercepted Penny and her friends halfway across the floor.