“Fine. You can pay for whatever you pick out.” He removed her hand from his arm, got out of the car, then met her on the sidewalk.

Penny hadn’t expected the quick concession, so, of course, she was instantly suspicious.

Gage guided her into a small but swanky boutique, and she knew two steps over the threshold the place was going to be way out of her price range. “You know, they have really nice clothes at Target.”

Gage shook his head. “No. Part of our deal was that you follow my advice to the letter.”

Penny lifted a tag to peek, her eyes widening. “Jesus H. Christ,” she exclaimed. “This basic white T-shirt costs seventy-four dollars. I’m not buying anything in here.”

“You don’t have to. But I am.”

“But you said—”

He cut her off. “I said you could pay for whateveryoupicked out. I never said you could pay for whatIpick out.”

“You knew what I meant!”

He pulled one of those classic little-black-dress numbers from one of the racks, looking at her and then the dress. “And I know what I promised,” he said in a tone that let her know that, once again, she’d lost the argument.

An attractive salesclerk approached them, her gaze slowly sliding down Penny, her brow furrowed because, clearly, she knew the same thing Penny did. She didn’t belong here. In truth, the clerk fit in better with her silky blouse, pencil skirt, practical heels, and elegant updo. There wasn’t a single hair out of place on the woman.

The clerk recovered quickly when she shifted her gaze away from Penny and saw Gage, who, in his bespoke suit, pretty much screamed money.

“Can I help you find something?” she asked Gage.

“I’m helping my friend update her wardrobe. Actually, we’re replacing it completely.”

The woman’s eyes widened just enough that Penny suspected she either owned this high-priced boutique or worked on commission. “I can definitely help you with that.” She pointed to the dress Gage still held. “That’s a wonderful choice. Would you like me to put it in one of the dressing rooms?”

“One thing,” Penny muttered to Gage. “You can buy me one thing, so choose wisely.”

Gage handed the salesclerk the dress. “Follow her and go try this on while I look around.”

“How do you know that dress is the right size?” Penny asked.

“It is,” he replied smugly, reminding her he was an expert when it came to women’s bodies.

Penny glared at Gage, who smiled back, apparently amused by the fact she was annoyed with him. She held up one finger, silently making her point once more, before trailing behind the clerk. The woman unlocked a door, revealing a dressing room that was big enough to hold a damn dance party. She handed her the dress. “Do you need any delicates as well?”

Penny considered the ratty sports bra and granny panties she was wearing as she eyed the tight-fitting, low-cut dress. “Um…yeah…maybe.”

“Wonderful. I’ll be right back.”

Like Gage, the clerk didn’t bother to ask her size, but damned if both of them hadn’t guessed right the first time.

Penny was down to her shabby undergarments by the time the clerk arrived. No doubt the woman was wondering how in the hell someone like Penny had shown up on Gage’s radar.

She heard the woman complimenting another of Gage’s selections, suggesting a sweater that would pair with whatever he’d picked out.

Penny stripped then slipped on the lacy bra, refusing to look at the price tag before sliding on the bikini briefs. Both items were soft and comfy and fit her like a second skin. The balconette bra pushed her breasts up, showcasing them, making them look…sexy.

Reaching for the dress, she pulled it on, then turned to study her reflection in the mirror. Penny gasped, her mouth falling open.

Holy shit!

She certainly felt sexy.

Of course, she also felt naked and awkward and certain there was no way in hell she could ever go out in public with so much of her body showing.