She hesitated. “Seven years?”

It was a long time. Almost unheard of for someone in her position. Regardless, he didn’t waver. “Nonnegotiable.” That was a lie, but he was curious to see how far he could push her, just how serious she was about this wager. Agreeing to it would tell him how much she wanted this favor she’d asked of him.

“Fine. You’re on.”

“Excellent. As you said, I’m late for my meeting. Why don’t I text you later with a place and time for the competition?”

“Sounds good.”

They shook on their agreement, and he watched her leave. Rather than hurry out to his meeting, he dropped down in his office chair and glanced at his computer. He laughed out loud when he realized why it had taken Beaumont so long to print his document. She’d changed his screensaver to a unicorn farting a rainbow as revenge for him making her fix the printer.

“Jesus,” he murmured in amusement as he tried to figure out where the hell he went from here.

Because as much as he didnotwant Beaumont to go to work for Frost—he really didn’t want that—there was another, larger part of him that wanted to help her reinvent herself, intrigued by the challenge she’d just presented.

Because he was bored with his life. Really fucking bored—and she had offered him a potentially fun distraction.

So for the first time in his competitive life, Gage wasn’t so sure he wanted to win.