“I already checked that,” he grumbled.

“You say that like a lack of paper wasn’t the problem previously.”

“One time,” he stressed, holding up one finger.

“I don’t understand why you don’t call Alex. He’s the hardware guy.” Even as she complained, she started pushing buttons on the machine.

“Alex takes too long to fix shit, always talking my damn ear off. I told you, I have a meeting in twenty minutes. You’re quicker.”

“And in the meantime, you’re losing thousands while I’m here tinkering with a printer instead of doing—you know—my job.”

Gage grinned. “Let me know when I’m losing millions and I’ll worry about it.”

“I’m just saying, fixing printers isn’t part of my job description,” Beaumont grumbled.

“Of course it is. It falls under ‘other duties as assigned.’”

She shot him a dirty look as she dropped to her knees and ducked beneath his desk to check the connections.

Gage took the opportunity tocheck out her ass. He’d been called a lot of things in his life, but a gentleman wasn’t one of them. He’d never really looked at Beaumont as someone he’d be sexually attracted to, but there was no denying…she had a great ass.

“What the hell have you been doing?” she asked. “Half your shit is unplugged.”

Unable to resist, Gage joked, “Let’s just say you’re not the first woman to crawl under my desk today.”

Beaumont peeked her head back out, piercing him with another glare. “Gross.”

Gage laughed. “I’m kidding. We hired a new cleaning crew last week, and I’ve noticed things have been getting unplugged. Didn’t think to check that.”

“You need some serious cable management. Well,” Beaumont said from beneath the desk. “I think it’s all good now.” She climbed back out and rose again. “What did you want to print?”

He pointed to the document open on the screen. She tinkered with his machine for a minute or two, clicking a bunch of buttons, then hit the print icon, and gave him a voila hand gesture when the printer started shooting out paper.

“You up for someWarzonetonight?” he asked.

“Really? It’s Friday night. I would have figured you’d have a date.”

Apart from Connie and Marjorie, Gage hadn’t been doing a lot of dating in the last couple months. He hadn’t lied to his brother about both women asking him out. If they hadn’t, he certainly wouldn’t have approached them.

Dating had grown stale, the idea of going through the whole drinks/dinner/seduction routine just to get laid, tedious. Hell, sex didn’t even interest him all that much nowadays. It felt as if he’d fucked himself out. He’d done it all, and now it was just…boring. He could take care of his own business with his hand in the shower every morning and it felt just as satisfying.

How fucking sad was that?

“No date. Not tonight. So what do you say?”

“I’m not sure I’m available,” she said, though he knew for a fact the woman never dated. “After all, you still owe me twenty bucks from the last time we played.”

He chuckled. “I’m good for it.”

Lately, the two of them had been putting small wagers on their games, the competition heating up. He and Beaumont were evenly matched.

“Actually, let’s make it more interesting. Double or nothing,” he added.

She paused, sinking her teeth into her lower lip, and he suddenly found himself wondering if she really needed the money. Then he considered the offer from Frost. He knew her salary here was more than decent, but maybe there was something hedidn’tknow.

“I’m just kidding.” He reached into his back pocket for his wallet. “I can pay up now.”

Beaumont waved her hands. “No. I was thinking…”