“I love them all, but I can’t help but notice how they’re all at your place.”

“Yeah. I think you and the cats should move in with me.”

She shook her head, wondering if she was ever going to find a way to wipe this big-ass grin off her face. “You’re insane.”

“Maybe. But are you gonna do it?” he asked, leaning closer to kiss her on the cheek.

“I think we both know I will.”

“Come dance with me.” Gage stood and held his hand out to her, and Penny took it without thinking, rising as well.

She caught sight of Gianna, watching them with interest, before she turned to the computer, clicking a button to change the music.

The first notes of John Legend’s “Conversations in the Dark” started playing.

“I made a request when I got here and saw you dancing with Gio, asked your friend to play our song.”

“We have a song?”

“We do. This one.”

Gage wrapped his arms around her, the two of them swaying together as if they’d shared this same dance a million times before.

She’d never felt like she fit anywhere until now, right here, with him.

Gage, who had a surprisingly good voice, started singing the chorus, and she suddenly understood why this was their song. “I won’t ever try to change you, change you,” he sang. “I will always want the same you, same you.”

It was as if every single word was written just for her, for them.

Gage had helped her change herself, while making it perfectly clear he liked every single thing that embodied her. Even the things she’d seen as flaws.

The awkward, nerdy cat lady with zero fashion sense.

The gamer girl who cussed like a sailor and chugged Mt. Dew like a teenaged boy.

TheFortnitedancing queen.

Even this new, more sophisticated, more experienced and confident woman.

He accepted—wanted—all of her.

And then, God, then…

His lips brushed her ear as he sang the promise in the song. “And I won’t break your heart.”

And Penny, who’d already fallen in love, fell forever.

She lifted her face to his and everything else in the room faded away as they kissed. It was a soft, slow kiss, so different from the countless kisses they’d shared before. Those had often been harder, faster—almost desperate—as if they knew their time was limited and they had to grab everything they could before it went away.

With this kiss, a whole lifetime opened up in front of her.

When they parted, Gage placed his forehead against her, the two of them grinning like goofy fools at each other as they continued to dance.

The song ended, and Penny had to force herself to leave his arms. A faster song came on, and Gage winked. “Your dancing or mine?”

She laughed and broke into the Robot. Gage followed suit, even though his was nowhere near as good as hers—and she made sure to tell him so.

They worked their way through all her silly dances then when the heat between them became too much to ignore, he pulled her closer.