An open heart.

An open mind.

Could it be that simple?

For weeks, he’d told Penny to take long, hard looks at herself, forcing her to see past the insecurities, to recognize the amazing woman she was. Now, he realized he was guilty of closing his eyes too. His mother had seen things inside of him that he’d never let himself acknowledge after her death.


The heaviness that had hovered over him like thick fog for days on end lifted, evaporating like it had never been there.

He missed his mom. He would always miss her.

But more than that…he realized that somewhere along the line, he’d forgiven her. He wasn’t sure when that had happened, exactly, but it was certainly recently. And it wasn’t something he’d reached alone. Talking to Penny about his mom hadn’t buried him in a deluge of heavy feelings like he might have expected. Because the things he’d shared with her had been the good memories, the things that had made him love his mother more than words could express.

Gage returned to the picture of his mother. “I met a girl, Mom,” he said quietly. “You would love her.”

He looked at the drawing of himself once more, and he heard his mother’s voice.

Gage the Brave.

Gage, be brave.

Then he turned his phone back on so he could see Penny’s smiling face.

Yeah. Decision made.

He was getting the fuck out of his own way.