Since then, Matt like to call Russohiscompany, forcing Gage to stake his claim, to admit that he cared about it as much as his older brother did.

His brothers helped themselves to the chairs across from his desk. It wasn’t uncommon for Matt to stop by a couple times a day to discuss business matters. After all, they both had large offices on the same floor. However, Conor’s appearance wasn’t the norm. His brother preferred his privacy, so he’d set up his office at Enigma, working from the nightclub instead, claiming there were far fewer interruptions there.

“Let’s make whatever this is quick. I’m busy,” Gage barked, in no mood for whatever it was that had driven both his brothers to his office.

“Very well. I asked Conor to join me here for an intervention,” Matt explained.

“What he failed to include was what the hell we’re intervening in,” Conor added, clearly annoyed at having his well-organized routine disrupted.

Matt must have been very persuasive—or demanding—if he’d gotten Conor away from his desk.

Gage was afraid he knew the reason behind this visit. After all, he’d bailed on doing Penny’s annual review, which was his responsibility as her direct supervisor. He’d dropped her file on Matt’s desk Wednesday morning, complete with all his notes about, and evaluation of, her current work, his suggestion for her salary increase, including stock options, perks he knew she’d love, and avenues for her possible advancement in the company.

He’d lied and told his brother he’d double-booked himself, that he needed Matt to handle Penny’s review. Matt had, of course, seen right through the lie, but to Gage’s surprise, he’d agreed to do it without further questions.

Gage should have known he’d have to pay the piper later.

Later had arrived.

“Cut to the chase,” he said like a man facing the firing squad.

“What’s the deal with you and Penny?” Matt asked.

“Penny who?” Conor chimed in.

Matt replied without looking away from Gage. “Beaumont.”

Conor’s confusion seemed to grow. “The IT girl?”

“Yeah,” Gage responded miserably. “The IT girl.”

“What about her?” Conor asked before the light came on. “Wait. You’ve got something for theIT girl?” he asked, absolutely aghast.

“What’s so strange about that?” Gage asked hotly, his brother’s tone pissing him off even more.

“Are we talking about the same woman? Isn’t she the one with the crazy hair? The big glasses? The mom jeans?”

Conor obviously hadn’t seen Penny lately. Not that it mattered to Gage. New version or old, his feelings for her were completely the same.

“I’m in love with her.”

It was the first time he’d said the words aloud.

Conor whistled. “Damn. Never thought I’d see the day,” he said, while Matt remained silent.

Gage felt like he should say more, try to explain, but saying those five words had been hard enough. And after that, what morewasthere to say, really? He’d done the one thing he’d sworn never to do.

Given his heart to a woman.

Left himself open for a whole shit-ton of hurt.

Conor was the first to recover. “Okay. Well, then, what’s the problem?”

Gage thought that should be obvious. After all, thatwasthe problem, wasn’t it?

“I’m…I can’t…I’m not doing that.” Wow, captain of the debate team, he would never be.

“Doing what?” Conor asked.