She laughed, and he was glad to hear the sound, the heaviness that had pervaded every corner of her face, lifting. In these too rare moments when Jess let her guard down, when she forgot to be worried or scared, she looked younger, pretty.
No. Not pretty. Gorgeous. She was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever met.
“I was going to another shelter after work today. I called the woman from social services, and she told me to go there. Said I’d have to fill out some paperwork at the intake offices tomorrow when they’re open.”
“I just wanted you to know I’m following through on what I said I’d do.”
Neither Rhys nor Tony had broached the subject about Jess living with them yet. She’d been too rattled from the attack, and they didn’t want to overwhelm her when she was so shaken up. They’d decided to discuss it with her together at breakfast, after a good night’s sleep and some time had passed. He considered bringing it up now, but he didn’t want to do so without Tony there.
Jess placed her head on his shoulder again, and he relished the closeness. He was moved by her trust in him. They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes, until the peacefulness of the night was shattered by a cry.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Jasper yelled.
Jess sprang up from his lap quickly, the tension in her body back in an instant. The two of them rushed down the hallway, entering the guest room just a few steps behind Tony, who’d beaten them there.
Jasper launched himself into Tony’s arms.
“It’s okay, little man,” Tony reassured him.
“The bad man got Mommy again!” Tears flowed down the young boy’s cheeks, and it was obvious he’d woken up alone and panicked.
“Jasper,” Jess said. “I’m here.”
Jasper, who hadn’t seen her, turned at the sound of her voice and pushed out of Tony’s arms, desperate to get to her. She picked him up, clinging to him tightly.
“I’m here,” she murmured. “I’m right here.”
“I thought…” the boy started, choking on a sob.
“No,” she whispered. “I know what you thought. I’m right here, baby. I’ll always be right here.”
Jess had let her guard down earlier, given Rhys a peek at the woman inside. The one who was scared and tired and who didn’t feel good enough. But now, the walls were back up. Her spine stiff, her shoulders tight, her face determined.
She turned to him and Tony, her eyes dry once more. “I’m sorry we woke you both. We’re fine now.” Her words were a lie, but Jess only knew one way. Only knew how to take care of things on her own.
Tony’s face darkened, his expression fierce. Rhys recognized it for what it was. His roommate was going into full-blown protector mode.
Which suited Rhys just fine. Because he was feeling the need to set Ms. Jess Monroe straight on a few things too.
There was about to be a new normal in her life. She might not realize it now, but things were changing.
Jasper still clung to Jess, his arms wrapped so tightly around her neck, Rhys wasn’t sure how she was breathing. He considered the bruises left there after her attack and he walked over, gently loosening Jasper’s grip.
“Be easy with your mommy,” he said softly.
Jasper nodded just once and did as he said.
Jess cleared her throat. “I shouldn’t have left the room. We’ll be quiet the rest of the night,” she said, as if they’d be angry and kick them out in the middle of the night. “We won’t disturb you again, I promise.”
“That’s it,” Tony said, the rumble in his voice betraying just how shaken up he was. “Get in bed, Jess.”
She placed Jasper on the mattress but didn’t join him. Instead, she looked at Tony as if waiting for him to leave.
“I said get in. Scoot to the middle,” Tony said, one brow lifted, daring her to disobey him. “Both of you.”
If Rhys wasn’t riding the razor’s edge of emotion right now, he might have been amused by Jess’s confused response to his gruff roommate. Her independent spirit, the one that had learned to rely on no one, kept giving way to the woman who reacted instantly and on instinct to Tony’s demands.